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millyana's Guestbook

leahlimpitNov 25, 2012

hey millyana I have a request I would love a home with 2 bedrooms and all the basics, a garage and a study and a playroom. If possible it would be great if you could extend and extra bed room. All please could be used with vintage items from sims 2 seasons

srgmls23Nov 17, 2012

Olá (hi) \:\) thank you so much for your kind words on my lot ( Angela )...\;\) I am always very happy when I see them \:\)...(although almost always takes a long time to thank ....loool sorry!!!) Have a fantastic week! hugs Sergio have a good weekend: D hugs sérgio

mightyfaithgirlNov 14, 2012

Thanks Millyana! Yeah Sims3 is a more than a little frustrating! Argh! The Lot got rejected.. due to pic ratios LOL . Do you know how to turn off the MAIN Gridlines in the game for pics? I have no clue.. it is so different than Sims2! Plus EA really outdid themselves in the FUGLY base objects/walls etc for Sims3 LOL. I s'pose if I research forums and tinker with it long enough i will figure it out. If we did it with Sims2 we can with Sims3. I am still not done unleashing creativity in recoloring for Sims2 though. Had I not retired in 2009 I most likely would of been making my own meshes long ago - which would be great for BUILDING - when you want everything to match or have a certain kind of look LOL ( you know what i am talkin about being a creator!) I still want to learn how to make meshes for Sims 2 before I delve deeper into Sims3. LOL.. by the time I get that all mastered Sims 4 will be out! haha. I also tried Clothing back in 2009 .. egads! what a mess.. but would like to try it again. Not enough time in a day! hehe. Anyways enough of my ramblings! Have a super day! ~ Jackie \:D

Simsdownload 12Nov 14, 2012

Hi my sister let me use here laptop so i am back but cant do as much becaus eshe dont want me to downlaod to much stuff \:\(

m-claudioNov 12, 2012

Hi Milllyana you do not know how greatful I am for your lots, they are the best. Specially the Villa Sardinia one, very lovely, amazing and beautiful. Thank you very very much, I'm always looking for mansions for the base game but seldom find any, yours saved my life XD.

GuardgianNov 12, 2012

Thank you honey, your sweet comment on Dream made me really happy ! \:wub\:\:wub\:

hatshepsutNov 11, 2012

Hi Millyana and thank you for your recent comment on Morelia. I'm really glad you like how it turned out \:wub\:

juhhmiNov 6, 2012

Thank you for commenting my mansion, and I'm glad you liked the short story too! \:\)

oldmember_lucianna88Nov 6, 2012

Thanks for your comment on my fully furnished bungalow x

juhhmiNov 4, 2012

The exams went very well, thanks for asking! \:\) I'll be spending Christmas at my parents', but perhaps you'll see something Baroque soon...

DjeranotjuhNov 4, 2012

No Probz! And Happy Birthdaayy!! \:D And i made new houses and i;ll upload them soon! \:D and yeah i'm getting TheSims 3 Seasons for sure!

GuardgianNov 2, 2012

Your lovely comment on the Fary Pond made me so happy dear friend, it is good also to hear from you as I am fully busy lately and could not send you many messages. I am so sorry about that ! I miss you and send you love. Have a sweet week-end \:wub\:

juhhmiOct 31, 2012

Well, a money tree is better than nothing! \;\) And I've actually started a Halloween lot, though a bit late...

matomibotakiOct 29, 2012

Willow_Creek - really enjoyed to read your nice comment and much appreciated to have lovely feedback. Thank you so much and keep on simming. Have a wonderful week!!!\:wub\: Hugs matomi\:wub\:

astroparagnosteOct 28, 2012

I love the lots you create for the sims2 my sims always live in 1 of your lots !!!! thankyou so much for sharing !!!! \:wub\:

GirlydfOct 28, 2012

Aww, thank you!! * . *

GuardgianOct 27, 2012

Honey you're an angel, your lovely comment on Loops made me so happy ! Love \:wub\:

atsuki_2Oct 26, 2012

Thank you for commenting and downloading my Deluxe Manor! It's my very first upload ^w^

mightyfaithgirlOct 25, 2012

Hi Millyana! Thanks for your fun comments on my two newest houses! Your houses are terrific!! \:\) i love building lots too.. easy to play homes that dont make game lag. The only thing that makes me sad is my new laptop isnt taking the clearest shots.. darn video card \:\( You can see a huge difference from my older homes andnow.. I had a rockin desktop back in 2009 but I sold it when I originally retired from creating \:\( Anyways Happy Simming! ~ Jackie

GuardgianOct 22, 2012

Thank you so much my dear friend, your lovely comments on Nature and Orlando made me so happy. Love and hugs \:wub\:\:wub\:

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