![Sims 2 — Old Stone Apartments by missy_sceeter — <strong>Your Sims will LOVE</strong> this beautiful older home which has](/scaled/111/w-600h-433-111475.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 2
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Your Sims will LOVE this beautiful older home which has been converted to 2 lovely apartments. Each is 2BR-1BA w/large rooms. 1st fl apt has private yard, 2nd fl apt has front balcony/porch area. Common area has playground equip, patio with grill & spa. *Please see Installation Instructions*
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/781093
ItemID: 781093
Please do not re-upload. Sims 2 Clean Installer is recommended for installing lot.
Credits: TSRAA (Chrissy6930, JSF, MsB, Pinecat, Spaik, Windkeeper & more)
- Lot Size: Small
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 2
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs:
- University
- Nightlife
- Open for Business
- Pets
- Seasons
- Bon Voyage
- Free Time
- Apartment Life
- Kitchen & Bath
- IKEA Home Pack
Installation Instructions:
**The included CC is in a separate folder in the .zip file, please download the .zip file (green arrow), and extract the custom content folder to your Downloads folder, before installing the lot.**
**Additional info for renting furnished apartments**
Zoned as apartments. The default game configuration prevents Sims from renting fully furnished apartments, so when your sims arrive, they will find them unfurnished, except for kitchens and bathrooms, etc.
To override this issue, you need to enter the command [I]boolprop testingcheatsenabled true[/I], with your sim on the lot, shift-click on the apartment door and from the menu, click "rent furnished apartment".
Only then will the apartment show all the rest of the furniture. Don't forget to turn the cheat off once you're done: entering it as boolprop testingcheatsenabled false.