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missyzim's Guestbook

katalinaAug 1, 2010

Hiya Missy\:D Stopping in to thank you for your wonderful comments on my recent lots. I am so far behind thanking those because of the trash lot challenge. It is finally done and uploaded, now I am going to get back to normal. Have a great day\:wub\:

mitz011Jul 31, 2010

I really love and enjoy sending my lol ol sims to the beautifull period properties you craft.. again thank you for all the exelent content you supply

JCIssetteJul 31, 2010

Good morning, Missy. How are you this morning? I hope you are enjoying a lazy Saturday and Sunday after working all week.\:D  We have yardwork today, which I am so dreading. I need to do a lot of pruning and cleaning up my beds. It never ends, I am afraid. Do you have yardwork or does the hubby do it all? Just wanted to say thanks for the nice comment on Whitehall Manor.\:D  It was not one of my favorites of the series, but turned out nice enough. Well, have a great weekend and work on some more of that fantastic CC you come up with. I love it all. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

samusa06Jul 31, 2010

Hi Missy!\:D Thanks for commenting on my Woodland Craftsman cottage.. I had to knock up something pretty quickly to meet my SA obligations so I wasn't sure how it would be received.. lol.... Funnily enough it is a house I do like to play myself... Anyway, I'm glad you commented because I've been meaning to PM you to see how you are, but I've just procrastinated or got sidetracked etc... But seeing your comment made me get my butt over here and comment. How have you been!... I haven't seen you around lately? Have you been busy in RL... I am loving using your latest build stuff in my lots.. Fantastic stuff!... Well, don't be a stranger! Take care, Sam

SuZ1101Jul 27, 2010

thanks for replying, I uninstalled the roof and it worked. thanks for your help! \:\)

SuZ1101Jul 27, 2010

I love your stuff \:\), but I seem to be having a problem with MZ_Roof recolor_Cobalt blue. I down loaded it, no problem there,I made a house and didn't use it, Im using the EA flat roof on the house and Im trying to upload it to TSR but its saying I used your roof when I didn't. Any Ideas? Thanks Sue

3litz996Jul 25, 2010

Haha, it's fine and ok \:\)

JCIssetteJul 24, 2010

Good morning, Missy. I'm back and trying to catch up with TSR.\:D  Got your wonderful set of windows and stuff. Loved them. \:wub\: Thanks for the sweet comment on Bayside. I have it in my game and it is a good play. I am tired and will be recovering from jet lag the rest of the week, but will also play my sims. Hope you have had a great week. Email me when you can. Big hug to my friend....Judy\:wub\:

3litz996Jul 23, 2010

Hello, how is everything going?? Btw I have ambitions \;\)

hatshepsutJul 19, 2010

Thank you for the lovely comment on my Duo Roofing, I hope you find them useful \:D

QubeDesignJul 19, 2010

Hi Michelle, I'm really glad you like 'Granton Hall'! \:\)

katalinaJul 18, 2010

Hi Missy\:D Thanking you for that wonderful comment on NINE. I think it is my favorite modern to date, Have a great day\:wub\:

PralinesimsJul 16, 2010

Hey michelle\:\) thank you for stopping by my page and for lefting me the awesome comment on my recently uploaded lot Glam beach home\:D im so happy you like it\:D\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\: i wish you a amazing day and a wonderful weekend my dear\:D *kisses*\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

MandyMandsJul 16, 2010

Thanks so much for the reply! It was the object hiding option, lol \:o my sims were just too ocd about their houses with one floor of shutters \:D Thanks again, and I love your creations!

JCIssetteJul 16, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\: Hey there, Missy. Hope you are off today and enjoying some free time. Love the comment you left me on Bellbrook Drive.\:D  How are my goodies coming???? Can't wait to see them all. It is so hot here. I hope it is not going to be like this from now until the fall. My poor yard. \:\( I thought I left those searing temps in Texas. Well, have fun this weekend and rest. Hugs, Judy

denizzo_istJul 13, 2010

Hi \:D Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my 'Green Palace Hotel *Fully Furnished*'. I'm glad you like it \:wub\: Have a nice day \:rah\:

QubeDesignJul 12, 2010

Hi Missy, a very belated congratulations on achieving SA status - I'm a huge fan of your build objects, and you certainly deserve the recognition!!  \:\)

PralinesimsJul 11, 2010

Hello\:\) you re welcome sunshine\:D hope to hear from you soon have a sweet day my dear\:D ciao ciao\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

fredbrennyJul 11, 2010

Oww... thanks soooo much for your really nice comment on the Tuscan lot!!! I am in the building mood... \:D.... Have a great day and thanks again!

PralinesimsJul 11, 2010

Hi michelle! \:D \:D \:D thank you for the awesome comment on my parisian partments\:\)  it took me so long to create it\:D im so glad you like the house! i just wanted to say i love your roofs i wanted to create some,too but i sadly dont know how and i cant find a tutorial...hmm i guess i need to search a little longer for it\:D i hope youre doing fine! the weather here is fantastic! its so hot today! i wish you a gorgeous weekend and a beautiful and relaxing sunday! i cant wait for new houses and roof-colours from you!! See you sunshine\:D bye byee *HUGYOU*\:wub\:\:wub\:

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