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missyzim's Guestbook

JCIssetteApr 9, 2011

Hello there, Missy! Long time no see.\:D First of all, thanks for the sweet comment on my little playground. It was an emergency submission. LOL The lot I originally submitted disappeared from the site, so I am going to resubmit it for Friday. I have had the worse computer luck lately. First, my game breaks, my lot submission gets crazy and then my computer was messed up for days after we laid our new carpet. I am just now getting back online with all running well. I almost lost my Windows for some reason and had to call my cp doctor out to use his bag of tricks to get it back. It was scary. I have online backup, but having to reinstall Windows and all would have been a nightmare. Well, anyway, I am busy now trying to get my house back in order. I had rather move than get new carpet again, but it is soooo pretty. Well, I could chat on about life with me, but will not write a book. How is my little mama doing? \:wub\: What trimester are you in??? Chat later, hugs, Judy\:wub\:

ZutafenApr 5, 2011

You're a really talented creator! Your floor plans are fantastic; exactly suited to my tastes. Your window sets are also great too, and they are TSRAA! \:D I have been ripping apart two years worth of creations ready to upload them; getting rid of all the custom windows before putting them up. Now I have some alternatives I can use! Well done. 

PralinesimsMar 27, 2011

Hello Michelle! thanks so much for the congratulations!\:D \:D \:D \:D Thankyou for all your support!   We wish you a beautiful sunday! *kisses and hugs*\:wub\:

Marlysa13Mar 20, 2011

Thanks a lot for all. I love all your create and i hope you done another for the pleasure of a lot of sim's player and my pleasure too. Thanks too for let all in free download. Thank you ever so much. That was very kind. (Sorry for my english, but i'm french \:P )  

cm_11778Mar 13, 2011

Thanks for the lovely comment on my valencia Manor, Happy Simming, Christine \:wub\:   PS: I love all your stuff, your build items are some of my favorite. Thanks!

Demented DesignsFeb 24, 2011

Thank you for the wonderful comment on La Vineyard lady!  I really liked your roof set, although I am not sure I commented on them, sorry been kinda sick this week.  Just an annoying cold, not the end of the world kind of sick though lol!  It is almost the weekend, hope you have a good one!  \:wub\:

hatshepsutFeb 13, 2011

Thank you so much for commenting on Marwood Glen, it's become one of my personal favourites \:D

Lie76Feb 9, 2011

Hi! I love your creations.Thanks for making and sharing your work\:wub\:Hugs lie

Demented DesignsFeb 1, 2011

Thank you for the Congrats lady!  \:wub\:

JCIssetteJan 30, 2011

Well, hello, little mama! LOL Thanks for your sweet comment on my new Train Station. Glad you like it. Chat later. Big hug, Judy

katalinaJan 29, 2011

Hiya Michelle\:D I am a little late but thank you for commenting on my Sea Captains home, so glad you like it. Have a super week\:wub\:

magicdawnJan 26, 2011

Hi! Many thanks for you comments. Some of your lot looks real... I saw them by my last vacation in the states \:D.

taxa08Jan 26, 2011

great idea for the shower thanks\:D

Demented DesignsJan 14, 2011

Thanks for your complement!  As for the lots I do not have the answer as to why they are free lol!  I suspect changes in the system with the new year, but I did not do anything special.  That decision was out of my control.  I only started submitting lots recently, so I suggest building a lot with the set you like and see what happens.  I use a lot of your windows also and wanted to thank you as well!   \:wub\:

JCIssetteJan 14, 2011

Good morning, Missy. Good to hear from you. I appreciate your comment on my lot, Blackstone. Hope you are not working too hard. I miss our notes, but know you are very busy with work and family. Have a good one. Hugs, Judy

manukeJan 13, 2011

hi Im buildin new garage doors (just need to fix my uv map) and would like to no how you made the 3 tile garage doors and if u plan to fix them and any other help u can offer about making them thanks  

3litz996Jan 3, 2011

Hi \:D  I am so sorry i havent been on, i just dont usually go on tsr anymore! Oh but if you have a Facebook or YouTube tell me and i'll add you \:\)  Thats great, are you still working on it?? Have you bought late night?? PS: Happy New Year and Late Christmas \:P

PralinesimsJan 3, 2011

  Hello! Thank you so much for the gorgeous Guestbook entry!! \:wub\:\:wub\:   \:wub\: We wish you a happy and healthy 2011\:rah\: We wish you a beautiful day and a gorgeous week! *hugs and kisses*\:rah\:\:wub\:  

hatshepsutJan 2, 2011

Thank you for the lovely comment on Gardenia Grove, it was an interesting build and I'm glad you like how it turned out. \:D

marcorseJan 2, 2011

Not sure what happened there!   One second I'm about to type my few words, the next it's all gone!  :P I missed seeing your holiday message when it was sent Missy, as I've been away from my comp for the past week or so . . .  but the pleasure didn't suffer!    Thank you and I hope that this new year we have embarked upon will bring you lots of good things  . . including inspiration for your Simming.     Warm wishes  Marg  \:wub\:

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