Poll results: You'd rather die than wallpaper a room!
With 160 responses, I think it's time to close this poll and tally the very interesting results.
I thought it was particularly fascinating that a significant majority of you would forego eternal youth and an infinitely renewable lifespan in order to be able to redecorate with your mouse. Looks like the Oil of Olay people need to rethink their marketing strategy.
This was a fun poll and I really enjoyed seeing all your responses. Thanks very much for participating!
Question: How do you relate to your Sims?
Question: My Sims are:
31.88% (51) My alter egos - I live through my Sims!
54.38% (87) My little puppets - I rule my Sims!
13.13% (21) Just a bunch of animated pixels, that's all!
Question: I dress my Sims:
11.25% (18) Just the way I dress.
39.38% (63) The way I wish I could dress.
48.75% (78) Appropriately for their ages, incomes and eras -- what I wear has nothing to do with it.
Question: My Sims live:
3.75% (6) In the same type of housing I live in.
40.63% (65) In housing I wish I could live in.
53.13% (85) In everything from slums to mansions, just like real life.
Question: I like my Sims to be:
63.13% (101) The same age I am.
17.5% (28) Younger than I am.
11.88% (19) Older than I am.
Question: If I could have one Sims feature in real life, it would be:
21.88% (35) Getting a new job without having to submit a resume or go on an interview.
18.13% (29) Having a baby in just a couple of days -- and then being instantly slender again.
21.88% (35) Being able to reverse the aging process with the Elixir of Life.
38.13% (61) Being able to remodel and redecorate with just a few mouse clicks.
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