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moonlitmaiden's Guestbook

StudioKhagerksNov 20, 2008

No shortcut Gina. I do them 1 by 1 ingame. However, before I do that, I rename everything (ie: Brucke_Asparagus), and put only that set into the downloads folder. When I open the game, for some reason most of them are in order. Might be in reversed order and split in half, but it makes it soooo much easier to put them in a collection folder. I'm glad that you're enjoying my creations and thanks for posting your kind comment. Have fun and have an AMAZING day! - Kimberly \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 20, 2008

Hey Gina. \:wub\: I saw what you've got coming down the pipes for my favorite babysitters. \:cool\: They're so baking you a cake or some cookies. \:D Thanks. \:wub\:

*Bunny*Nov 18, 2008

Thanks for your lovely comment on my latest set. I'm blushing again! \:wub\: Glad you like it and thanks for taking the time to let me know. \:\)

HordrissNov 16, 2008

Thanks for the comment on my Edwardian dress. \:\) I do hope you manage to find other outfits to your taste on my minisite. I enjoy making period wear (though you will find a lot of science-fiction and just downright weird stuff as well \;\) ).

TearsRainNov 15, 2008

Thanks for your comment on the Arabian nights Set... Yes Avalon is an excellent sites for new meshes home of OM and Steffor...You cant go wrong!\:D Thanks again!\:wub\:

EisbaerbonzoNov 15, 2008

\:\) Hello Moonlitmaiden, thank you for your warm welcome in the SA group! Have a nice weekend..with some new creations \:\) .

BBKZNov 14, 2008

Hello Gina \:D Sorry for the late reply. I have some problems with my PC and I have only few minutes at work when I can use Internet for my private contacts... Thank you for your amazing post in my GB. That Polish word you wrote. Wow! It's always a very nice feeling to see words in our language written by foreigners. Yay! \:D I have really huge smile on my face \:D You made my day! Take care, Barb \:D

jjab73Nov 14, 2008

Hi Gina! Thank you for the welcome back, and the heads up about the new items. I took both AL dress sets. Great job! Thank you, again. \:D

SIMcredible!Nov 12, 2008

Hello again, Gina \:\) Thanks for sign my GB. BTW, you deserve all praise words. Yours was the greatest sims2 poll I've ever seen \;\) Have a nice day, Andres

SIMcredible!Nov 12, 2008

Hello! Just a stop by to thank you for your intelligent, creative and interesting poll. Well done \:\) Have a nice day \:cool\: , Andres aka WhiteShark

kibanahnahNov 11, 2008

Thank you Gina for taking the time to comment my nook set!\:\) it's always a great pleasure to read your kind words and to know that you like my creations!Have a wonderful week!*Cassandre*

*Bunny*Nov 10, 2008

I'm blushing! \:wub\: Thank you so much for your very flattering comment. Delighted you like the set. \:\)

BlackGardenNov 10, 2008

Hi Gina! I'm pretty sure I've been very very rude, and I haven't responded to that lovely comment you left on my Mummies! So I am stopping by to say thankyou for taking the time to leave such a wonderful comment, and sorry for not replying sooner! I'm sure there must be a way to have mummy-maids and mummy-gardeners, that would be awesome, haha. Thing I'm not sure about is how one points to something other than the default mesh for NPCs... unless you create a sort of mummy outfit with a maid's dress over the top... perhaps with some rips and stuff. Like I did with the toddler with the diaper over the top. Anyway, I babble, thanks for the comment! \:\)

hiedibear75Nov 9, 2008

I see I'll be adding some pinstriped dresses to the "young ladies"'s wardrobes. \;\) Is it any wonder my DL folder just keeps getting bigger and bigger? \:P I love it! \:rah\: Have a wonderful weekend. \:wub\:

hatshepsutNov 9, 2008

Hi Gina and thank you for commenting on my revised version of Chantilly Row. I hope your sims enjoy living there!\:wub\:

Raven98590Nov 9, 2008

\:o Sorry about that Gina, The reason I thought you did recolors on the elder enabled clothing was because for some reason, they looked better than the same thing for adults. Maybe it was just your magic touch. Anyway, thanks for setting me straight on that issue. I hope you have a nice day.\:D

Wolfsim68Nov 8, 2008

Hey Gina! Thank you for the lovely comment on the Stoneyville Playground. I'm really glad you like it! Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

SunairNov 6, 2008

You are welcome and thanks for the nice comment\:\)

hiedibear75Nov 5, 2008

I saw them......coming out on the 7th (my 6th @ dark:30 AM). \:rah\: Several older ladies had been jealous of their daughters. \;\) I sometimes forget what goes with what because I don't really pay attention because I've got ALL the EP's & SP'S. \:D So are you going to get the mansion and garden SP coming out or are you mainly a fashion queen? \:confused\: Oh there are some adorable fairy and unicorn statues if you didn't already know. \:cool\: Well TC. \:wub\: Oh & count on hearing from me when the sweater set comes out. \:D

SpaikNov 5, 2008

Hi hon, I just wanted to pass by to thank you for the always lovely comments you left on my latest creations. I'm invariably late, but you should be used to it by now. \:o Btw, I got your message and I was actually planning to make more apartment doors, but the list of to-do things is always long and my inspiration jumps from here to there without me being able to control it. I'll write to you as soon as I find the time to write a decent PM. \;\) Silvia

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