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Created for: The Sims 3
This castle amidst the clouds is a true diamond in the rough--it's got potential in spades, fit for kings and queens who heartily enjoy the fun of a club or the solitary peace of a spa--very much the jack of all trades!
Is a SMALL PARK community lot, and includes LN bubble blowers, SSNS Love testers, AMB trampolines, SHT Skeeball/Pinball, WA treasure chests with goodies inside, chess tables, hottubs, as well as some SN plants to harvest. There's also a PC rock climber and Massage Table (from ST gold).
Extra CC Included (sims3packs)
-Cardbridge Set:
-Glass Floors with Sunlight:
I didn't include any on the lot, but I'd recommend using Veritas' AMR decor stuff, too.
Short URL:
ItemID: 1219419
Filesize: 7 MB
Please don't re-upload as own creation. Made with Patch 1.57 and WA, AMB, LN, SHT, SN & SSNS installed. ALL Store Worlds Gold, but uses CC especially from MH and ST, and the Vegas and Spyglass sets.
Credits: EAxis, AMR, the above CC creators
- Price Unfurnished: 150000
- Price Furnished: 300000
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 5
- Lot Size (z): 40
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