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Created for: The Sims 3
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Albert Wesker is the best of the Wesker Children, uber-humans developed by the evil president of Umbrella Inc., Mr. Ozwell Spencer. Wesker plans on becoming a god amongst men by using biological warfare and genetic enancement to create the perfect beings, of which Wesker himself will be the dominate member of the new world order. Can he be stopped!?....
Personality Traits: Ambitious, Athletic, Evil, Genius, Loner
Lifetime Wish: Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Favorites: Steak, Classical, Black
Voice: 2
Astrological Sign: Gemini
I've got a bit of a crush on Wesker. He's like a sexy version of Ivan Drago meets the Matirx, with an ounce of Crazy, lol.
Extra CC Not Included:
-SKIN: Ephemera NV1 at http://ephemera1969.blogbus.com/logs/121670108.html
-PANTS: Namama's page at http://www.thesims3.com/myBlog.html?persona=namama&month=03&year=2011
-HARNESS: Eodsy's RE Leon Harness at http://www.simsrooms.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=155:leon-re4-outfit-set&catid=10:clothing (or http://www.mediafire.com/?llvh99mjqeuv2)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1112628
ItemID: 1112628
Filesize: 6 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

You NEED to have the Extra CC Not Included ALREADY installed on your pc in order for this Sim to work! Don't try to install it without the items or disappointment shall ensue! Made with fully patched Base Game only. Please do not re-upload as your own. Extra CC Included: -EVERYDAY MANDARIN COAT: http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:17207 -EVERYDAY BOOTS: Use cheats testingcheatsenabled true + unlockoutfits on
Credits: TSRAA, the CC creators, Capcom
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: