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murfeel's Guestbook

mrsimulatorMar 24, 2014

Hi Murfeel! Thank you for your lovely comment on my Safari Resort, Take care! \:wub\:\:rah\:

marcorseMar 22, 2014

Well, Sweetpea . . talk about serendipity! \:cool\: I hadn't seen your comment, when I left the Spotlight post, so . . . \:D anyhoo, I thought it was time we ladies had something to drool over, without being toooo risque. I also like beef and cake, although not necessarily on the same plate. \;\) Take care and much love. \:wub\: Marg.

marcorseMar 22, 2014

Good one! Spotlight Artist today . . . . nice to see!! Hope you're staying on top of things and having fun . \:wub\:. Marg .xox

mutskeMar 22, 2014

Hi! Thanks for the nice comment on my Revel living. I do appreciate it \:D. Happy Weekend!!

SIMcredible!Mar 20, 2014

Hello, Murfeel! Thank you for taking time and commenting on our creations ^^ we very much appreciate it \:wub\: hugs for you and have a happy simming full of fun! ^◡^

SylvanesMar 18, 2014

Thanks for the comment! \:D Dragons are in so many ways better then other creatures \:wub\:

natatanecMar 16, 2014

Thank you very much for your comment! I am very pleased! \:\)

SylvanesMar 15, 2014

Thanks for the comments \:\) I'm glad you like them ^_^

LavoieriMar 15, 2014

thank you for your comment! creepy is beauty, haha

SylvanesMar 8, 2014

Thanks for the comment on the blackdress01 \:\) Have many more comming of your cc wisheslist ^^

FlovvMar 6, 2014

Thank you very much! \:wub\:\:wub\:

zodapopFeb 27, 2014

Hi, thank you so much for your comment. \:wub\: Have a great day!

EehnaFeb 26, 2014

hi there! i just wanted to tell you, that you don't need to look up the masonry wallpaper used in La Fee Verte. it seems to have been a glitch within my game, because when i recently re-installed the whole thing, that wallpaper suddenly appeared as it should in my masonry section \:\) have a great day!

matomibotakiFeb 26, 2014

ContessaBedroom - Thanks so much for your honorably comment on my set. Happy you like it!!! Keep on simming!!!\:wub\:

Alexandra_SineFeb 21, 2014

Hi \:\) I hope you are having a wonderful day \:wub\: Thank you for the positive feedback *Big Hugs*

WimmieFeb 20, 2014

Hi murfeel ! Thank you so much for your nice feedback ! I' m happy you like the playground \:wub\: ! Wishing you a nice day and take care \:\)!

PralinesimsFeb 20, 2014

Hello ♥ Thank you so much!! ♥♥ 10000 hugs!!

matomibotakiFeb 20, 2014

NobleBrocade - Really kind to comment on my creation, always a pleasure to have encouraged feedback. Thanks a lot!!!\:wub\:

FlovvFeb 18, 2014

Thank you very much! \:wub\:\:wub\:

Demented DesignsFeb 18, 2014

You make me so happy to live in the middle of nowhere lol. Although I have had to deal with truancy threats in the past as well. The year after my surgeries my medicines were kicking my butt, and I had trouble waking up the first couple of months of the school year, so he ended up tardy a few times. That alone would not have been a problem, but he kept getting viruses at school, and then they would send him home every time I turned around. Needless to say they threatened to turn me in until I went up and confronted them about it. I pointed out that at least half of the days he missed was because they made me come and pick him up from school! They shut up after that, but that was one miserable year all the way around. I stopped taking my medicine so that I could wake up, because they were not the least bit understanding of my health issues that year. I still had a central line running into my heart when school started that year. I truly understand your frustration with your school system lol! I also have a friend whose daughter is not paralyzed yet, but unable to walk the entire day because of pain, so she is battling the system because they do not want her daughter to use her wheelchair during the school day, and expect her to participate in Gym class! It is to much of an inconvenience for them to have her wheelchair brought along for the day. \:mad\:

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