myrab51 (2647276)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Coffee Wall Hanging
Published Feb 16, 2010
About Me
Naturally being here, I am a Sims junkie. I have never tried my hand at design, but I love playing the game. I am an avid reader. My favorite town to play is a creation called Biblio Isle. It is a play on the word bibliophile. The town is full of characters from books and mangas that I have read. One of my favorite things about this town is that I have characters walking around from all different eras and parts of the world. It makes for a nice variety.
I am married to the best guy ever. We started dating when we were teenagers, got married in our early twenties, and recently celebrated out eleventh wedding anniversary. We have two daughters that are homeschooled, and several pets. The family baby is a golden retriever named Tristan. I also work from home, for the web site WikiAnswers. I am blessed by awesome co-workers, a boss that is more like a good friend, and a job that I love. I am a pretty lucky girl all the way around.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and for all the hard work many of you do. You make my Sims world a more colorful place.
My Guestbook Show All
Birba32Oct 01, 2009
Hello! Welcome here! Thank you so much for your nice comment on my "High couture" set, really appreciate
MoMamaJul 26, 2009
Hello and welcome to TSR! Thanks for your comment on my NK Golden East Bedroom. It's always fun I think when you see a room that you know just what to do with!