neinahpets (6420561)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (1556 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
At this time I have a lot going on outside of the Sims. Most of my time spent now as an author. I haven't created or played in quite some time. Hopefully I'll be able to do that at some point soon, but at this time I do not have the time to update or create custom pieces. Please understand.
I will leave everything up for people to continue to download, but please understand if anything doesn't work. If there are pieces used in my display images or characters not listed that aren't my creations you are curious about, still feel free to ask, and hopefully another Simmer will recognize where you can get it
Thank you for all your support!
My Latest Updates Show All
TumblrWritten Jul 09, 2019
Hi everyone! The growth of my little neck of TSR has grown so much and I'm so happy seeing how much people are enjoying my new items, recolors, etc. I love creating new things for you all! So I have set up a new Tumblr completely dedicated to my Sims CC work. You can find it here: I also have set up Patreon as I was asked if I had... ...More
First Post - Back to Work!Written Dec 19, 2018
Hi everyone! First off, I'd like to introduce myself! (I should have done this when I first started here - whoops!) I'm neinahpets (pronounced: knee-an-ah-pets)! Nice to meet you all! I'm a 35 year old American living in Canada with my husband and 3 furbabies. Thank you all for such a warm welcome and interest in my designs! I hope to one day be able to create my own meshes from... ...More
Terms of Use
◆ Do not claim my creations or my uploads as your own, or re-upload them.
◆ For new meshes you may recolor and use with credit/link back only to the original post and/or my profile here. Do NOT include the mesh. Upload ONLY to TSR.
◆ Do not modify my recolors that use meshes from other users, go to their profiles for their meshes and follow their TOU's.
◆ You may use my sims and modify them as you'd like (Photos, Avatars, Lookbooks, etc) but you must provide a link back as you would with using my other items, credit me and follow the above TOU's.
G O O D • T O • K N O W
◆ If my items show up RED or with the error message "OBJECT IS MISSING IT'S FOOTPRINT RESOURCE" then that means you have not downloaded the original mesh for my recolor and you will need to see the "Creator Notes" or Recommended section of the item listing to get that.
◆ Set "Sims" detail settings to "Very High" and be sure to turn OFF laptop mode for the best possible experience.
◆ Please tag @neinahpets or #neinahpets when posting as I'd be thrilled to see what you do with my pieces and might share myself!
My Guestbook Show All
LoryANN2809Mar 14, 2025
Thank you for your great work! Your creations always find special places in my houses.
Acuteweb0324Sep 10, 2023
ebonigrace1Mar 29, 2023
Hello, your creations are great. Thank you for taking the time to make them.