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olcia_olivinea's Guestbook

SimonkaDec 23, 2010

Hi! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Hugs, Simona

topaz27Dec 22, 2010

Dear Ola, Wishing you and all your family a very Happy Christmas and a Good, Healthy and Peaceful New Year ‘God Bless’ Lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\: xx  

DOTDec 22, 2010

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

sara_ashleyDec 22, 2010

Hi ! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of joy and happiness!Many kisses from Sara !

ekinegeDec 22, 2010

I wish for you and yours a new year of happiness in a world of peace. Have a great holiday season and a happy new year!!\:wub\:

BBKZDec 21, 2010

May the Beauty of this season bring you peace and joy now and throughout the coming year. \:\) Barb

QuengelDec 17, 2010

I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy, successful, HEALTHY New Year \;\) \:\) \:wub\:

sims2fanbgDec 9, 2010

Thank you so much for your great comment \:wub\: I love you \:wub\:

6akalaka1Dec 4, 2010

Your outfits are always so cute!

hisgirltracieDec 4, 2010

wanted to say thank you for your very sweet guest book comment

fabrizioammolloDec 3, 2010

Hi Ola! You are welcome! Have a great week-end! \:\) F.

BBKZDec 2, 2010

Czesc Olu! Oblewam sie rumiencem wstydu, ze dopiero teraz odpisuje Ci na post w GB. Dobrze, ze moge sie usprawiedliwic brakiem czasu przy obowiazkach macierzynskich i zawodowych \;\) Masz racje: przydaloby sie wiecej wolnego, by moc bez wyrzutow sumienia usiasc, powymyslac jakies nowe zestawy, potworzyc, pobawic sie gra. Szczegolnie teraz w grudniu \:cool\: \;\) Chcialam to zrobic w zeszly weekend, ale... wszyscy dokola rozchorowalismy sie (jelitowka, brr). Nie oszczedzilo tez corki, ale na szczescie mnie i Ja trzymalo tylko jedna noc (jupi!). Zaraz potem jednak we znaki dalo sie zabkowanie (kolejne 3 zabki na raz \:\( ), wiec weekend zawalony. Postanowilam wiec nic nie planowac, ale po cichu marzy mi sie kilka godzin "spokoju" w ta sobote \;\) hihi... Widzialam ostatnio Twoje nowe zestawy. Kurcze, jak Ty to robisz, ze zawsze masz takie fajne, swieze pomysly? U mnie coraz czesciej jest jakis "myslowo-ciuszkowy" zastoj i albo nic do glowy nie przychodzi, albo nic mi sie nie podoba. Miewasz takie braki weny, czy to tylko ja sie "wypalilam"?.. Pozdrawiam serdecznie! Do nastepnego! \:\) Barb

petkaaDec 2, 2010

Greeting from the Czech rep. \:\) Your creations are really nice, good job

sara_ashleyNov 28, 2010

Also love your banner and your avatar ! And love the eyes and the make up you use, is that you create your own make up of your banner ? thanks for answer me too \:D !!! by the way yours creations are  so amazing too !!!!! hugs, Sara

sara_ashleyNov 28, 2010

Hey Ola !!! how are you ? amazing your news sets as always your creations are very very good so I wish you a lovely weekend !!! \:wub\: hugs, Sara

topaz27Nov 21, 2010

Hi Ola, I just read your blog, and would like to wish you all the very best with all your Uni work \:wub\: do take lots of care dear friend, sending you lots and lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

sims123eplayerNov 4, 2010

Hi ! You signed my guestbook way back in Summer 2009 and I never saw it \:D Just writing to say sorry I never replied ! \:o Thanks for the sign anyway and loving your creations as always - sims123EPlayer \:wub\:

NiaOct 25, 2010

Thank you for the commenting \:\) Take care

topaz27Oct 2, 2010

Hi Ola \:wub\: How are you, I have been away visiting family for a few weeks, and am now enjoying being back and catching up on everything here at TSR \:\) I do hope you and all your family are keeping well, by the way your last clothing set are gorgeous as always \:wub\: well my dear friend I'm sending you lots of best wishes for a great weekend \;\) and lots of hugs too \:\) Topaz \:wub\:  

NouvelleLunaSep 29, 2010

Hiii\:D I really like your clothing!!! I can see you spend a lot of effort in it, so thank you so much for sharing\:wub\:

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