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Created for: The Sims 3
Justin Hollo is the owner of this minisized house if it was not standing in the swamp it would be perfect..where Justin is no one knows, he was a bit a stranger and creepy guy..people talked about the strange sounds coming out the house and nobody had the guts to go there when the evening was fallen. After a long wait the house is for sale, do you have the nerves to buy it? Very small basic house, hallway toilet living with fireplace and kitchenette.Upstairs one bed and bathroom. Vide with vieuw to the hallway downstairs. Garden with pond decorated with fountain. I builded this house with Halloween in mind, in evening when the fog is swirling around the house will get a little creepy look. I build it with all expansionpacks included, tested. The best place to put this lot is in the swamp area..have fun
Many thanks to the creators of the wonderful content I have used, without it was not possible to build this lot.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1015521
ItemID: 1015521
Revision: 2
Filesize: 13 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

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Credits: cyclonesue~riccinumbers~Pilar~sim_man123~Mutske~cemre~eryt96~shino&KCR~murano
- Price Unfurnished: 16701
- Price Furnished: 61146
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1�
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 30
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