peachycornbeef (3513987)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Snake Skin Swimsuit
Published Dec 20, 2011
About Me
I have been playing the sims since the first one came out. I remember when my brother first came home with it and I was his little bratty sister; therefore wasnt allowed to play, but every morning while he was asleep I would sneak on and play some sims. The game has grown ALOT since the first one and now I dont have to sneak on to play the sims haha.
I never made anything for the sims games except homes for people to enjoy. Recently I decided to try something new and thats making clothing for the sims 3. Its ALOT of work and I appreciate and love everyone who takes so much time in making clothing or any content for everyone to enjoy.
My Latest Updates Show All
Modthesims and the sims resourceWritten Jul 19, 2011
I have been on the sims resource for a long time now and I am already use to the way things are done on this site. I can create and upload it and get some feed back on my creations. I am not an expert and I am still very n00bish when creating things, but I work hard on it. By the time I am done with my new creation I am proud and Happy at what I created and I believe that to ME it looks... ...More
patterns!Written Jul 11, 2011
I created my first pattern! yay!!! it was really fun too and I was so proud of myself! I think it looks really good! ...More
I have an idea!Written Mar 22, 2011
been so busy with school I havent been able to create a new outfit! I have a new line in mind; i just have to find the time to do it... D; ...More
My Guestbook Show All
TheLJuliaAug 17, 2012
Please i beg you, make a t-shirt with Jake T. Austin on it! It would mean the world to me! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
PralinesimsFeb 09, 2012
Hi Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! Have a gorgeous day!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100000000000 KISSESSSS
enchanting58Dec 23, 2011
Hi, I wish them
all by heart of a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 with much
health and happiness.