Manor House Update
It looks like whatever changes the TSR staff were going to make to the new layout are now done. I still don't like it, but I'm one person and I don't presume to think that my opinion counts for much on this issue.
I'm going to have to learn to deal with it, even though I cringe every time I look at the layout.
Now, on to happier things: the Manor House Kitchen. I hope that those who were really anxious to get it were able to find it elsewhere in the Sims community. I released it more than 3 weeks ago (not on TSR), so if you haven't found it by now, never fear, it'll be here on TSR shortly.
I hope to upload Part I of the Kitchen, as well as an appliance pack to TSR sometime next week. I cannot make any promise, seeing as I'm already swamped with work despite the semester being only 2 weeks old ¬_¬