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phoenix_phaerie's Blog

Pathlight Error

Hi all. Apparently, some downloaders of the MH Garden pathlight experienced the flashing purple texture when the light was turned 'on'. I've updated the pathlight file with the fixed version. If you experienced the flashing problem, please redownload the file. Thanks =]

Please Remember!

Looking at the download numbers for the MH Garden, I've noticed that the master ivy plant actually has fewer downloads than the other ivy plants. PLEASE remember to download the master ivy plant or else you'll get the blue flash of doom in the game instead of enjoying the lovely ivy texture I slaved over, okay?

All slave objects are marked with both a 'this item requires' link AND a 'get mesh at TSR' link. Please be sure you're paying attention to which items require the download of another item to function.

Phew! Garden is uploaded

I JUST finished uploading the Garden set. All 34 pieces of the set.
It takes a long, LONG time to upload sets here on TSR, because each individual item must be uploaded with its own picture, description as well as selecting all the (numerous--and I mean numerous) applicable attributes.
It took me more than two hours to upload all 34 items.
In case anyone has ever wondered why I frequently break up my sets into multiple parts, THIS IS WHY!

So please let it be known that from now on, any set that I upload with more than 20 files will be split up. The includes all future Manor House Collection sets as well. It's just too much of a hassle to upload everything at the same time =/

Anyway, the Garden set will be released on the 25th =]
Full preview for the set is here:

Manor House Garden set

My computer is now fixed, so I can finally begin uploading the MH Garden. Look for it to be released this week. In the meantime, I am uploading a preview to the screenshots section.

I hope everyone enjoys =]

Computer troubles...

Last month, my younger brother built me a brand new computer (dual core processor ftw!).
Everything was going swimmingly until I tried to install Apartment Life.
Long story short, I had to completely uninstall my game. There's some weird conflicts between my old hard drive, which is now a secondary drive, and my new hard drive is now the primary hard drive. The drives just aren't agreeing with each other and I can't transfer my game files to the new hard drive.
Until I can sort it all out, my progress on the MH sets is at a standstill.

More updates coming soon!

School just started up again this Monday and I also am in the process of moving into my new apartment (there are no words in the English language to describe how truly horrendous moving by yourself is).

Updates to come once things settle down.

Dirty Pretty Things

A new recolor of the Manor House Washroom will be up tomorrow. It's totally different from what I normally do and features grungy and cracked textures for all the Washroom pieces. I hope everyone enjoys it.

The MH Garden will be coming shortly =]

I'm being fitted for dentures today

It's a little after 12pm where I live, which means it is officially the 14th day of the 8th month of the year which means I am officially old--er, I mean, I'm officially 24 years old.

Happy Birthday to me. And now I must take my teeth out and enjoy some pureed vegetables. Mmm, fiber.

Info and Thanks

I'm rubbish at accepting praise, so I'd just like to say 'Thank You' to everyone congratulating me on getting the SA prize this month.
It was a nice surprise!

Manor House Collection news:
The next MH set, the Garden set, is completed--shadows, textures, testing, even catalog descriptions. I haven't uploaded it yet only because I'm spacing out the set releases. If I release them too quickly, I won't have time to finish the other coming MH sets.

A lot of people have expressed interest in the Kitchen set, so the good news is that it will be released after parts I and II of the Garden. It's not quite finished yet, but I'm 95% done with it.
I might post a brand new preview screen of it. Much like the Washroom set, it's changed a bit from the earlier screenshots I posted.

Watch out for that =]

MH Washroom pt 2

I know I promised to upload the second part of the Washroom set this weekend, but I've been working some extra hours since I'll be moving at the end of this month.
The MH Washroom will be up sometime around mid-week. I promise.

Latest Headlines

Pathlight Error Please Remember! Phew! Garden is uploaded Manor House Garden set Computer troubles... More updates coming soon! Dirty Pretty Things I'm being fitted for dentures today Info and Thanks MH Washroom pt 2
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