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phoenix_phaerie's Blog

Uploading today!

I will be uploading the Manor House Washroom Pt I set tonight. The only reason I didn't upload it sooner is because I wanted to finish another project before releasing the set.

For those who don't know, I also write albums and I had been working on one particular album and wanted to see it through before focusing my energies on the release of the first MH sets
(my simpage in case anyone wants to check out my stories:

Anyway, now that that's done, I can shift back to object mode. The MH washroom will be released this Friday. Get your download folders ready!

Manor House Release Info

I'm preparing to release the first of the Manor House sets. I know that many have been eagerly anticipating this date, and it's finally here!

Some things to know:
1. Most of the MH sets will be released in parts due to the large number of pieces and various recolors (the Washroom actually has 40 mesh and recolor files!) I apologize, but I'm not going to spend 6 hours uploading 40-60 pieces at a time, so each set will be broken up into at least 2 or 3 parts.

The Washroom will be uploaded as follows:
Part I: Plumbing fixtures (toilet, bidet, sink, tub) + recolors.
Part II: Everything else + recolors

2. The release of these sets will be s-l-o-w. Only the Garden and Washroom sets are completely, 100% finished. The other sets still have pieces that need to be tweaked and some pieces that need to be scrapped and/or redone completely. And there is at least one MH set that I haven't even started on yet =/

3. EVERYTHING in the Manor House Collection is high-poly. The ornate look I was going for can't really be faked with texture mapping--it demands polygons. Sorry to those with slow computers =[

Subway Tile Walls

The first of the subway tile walls has been uploaded. The entire set is broken into 3 parts because there are so many walls (37 I believe).

Part 1 - Neutral and Monochromatic
Part 2 - Green, Blue & Purle (my favorite color)
Part 3 - Red, Orange, Yellow & Brown

After these three sets comes *drumroll* the MH Washroom set!! w00t! yay! yippee-skippe! hooray!

There are a few finishing touches left on the Washroom (object descriptions, preview images), but the objects themselves are completely done, AND I made recolors of everything, so look forward to those, as well.

Updates, updates

Misc. Info: I'm finally back in my own place (yay!) with a functioning internet connection (double yay!). I'm currently working on releasing a wall pack. Much like the Serendipity Living set, it's a set that wasn't supposed to exist. Basically, I created a couple of different subway tile walls to go with the MH Kitchen and Washroom sets, aaaaaannnnddd, I got a BIT carried away with the colors. I kept coming up with all these awesome color names and I just couldn't stop. All told I think I now have something like 36 different color walls. The pack will be assembled and ready to go probably by tomorrow morning.
Manor House info: With my internet issues, I had time to make some substantial progress on the MH sets. The Washroom was supposed to be the second set uploaded (after the Garden set), but I've decided that with all these setbacks, I'm going to upload it first so that all those who have been waiting (so very patiently) will get a much more substantial set to start off with. The Washroom set is quite different from the early teaser screenshots I uploaded. I've added a few pieces and completely rehauled a couple of others. The MH Washroom is going to be released immediately after the wall pack, so get ready!

One crappy summer


So far, my summer break has been off to a crappy start. First, my London trip is canceled (thanks, mom!), and then my apartment complex, in its infinite wisdom, decided to that the way to fix the daily internet outages we residents have been suffering was to take the entire network down for one week. That one week turned into 3 weeks without internet. And even after all that rigmarole, there are STILL problems with the network.

For now, I am at my parents' home, only to visit with them and not to take advantage of their fully functioning high-speed internet connection.

Updates on downloads coming soon.

Still breathing!

Sorry for the lack of updates! I haven't had a spare minute since around my mid-term exams and now I'm onto finals!

Once the semester is over, I'll likely take a little time to decompress before getting back into the simming groove, answering pm's, etc.

Until then!

MH Info

Reading some of the comments to my last blog entry, I may have mistakenly given the impression that the Manor House Collection would be out by now.

I'm sorry if I did that, because that's obviously not the case!

To clarify, I AM working on releasing the MH sets, but that involves alot of extra work. Adding shadows, correcting textures, fixing problems, etc. etc.

Judging by my progress thus far with the Garden set (the first set to be released), I should be ready to release it within the next couple of weeks (likely much, much sooner) =]

Spuh-ring Break!

I am on spring break this week! From the 16th to the 23rd I have NO school =]

Sadly, (for me) I will not be out partying or getting drunk since I'll be in London for two weeks this May, and I can't afford two vacations in two months.

Fortunately for you, I have a whole week to work on the Manor house sets. The second part of the architectural set is nearly done.

There's ONE piece left. Unfortunately, it also happens to be massive. Plus, I hate the original design I came up with, so I'll be redoing it.
Of course, my meshing skills are awesome, so I can finish the redesign within a day =P

After that, I'll start rolling out the MH sets, starting with the Garden set!

Watch out for that!

Serendipity Living

The Serendipity Living set is coming soon (yea!). This is the set made up of those pieces of the Manor House Parlor that I felt were sub-standard.

I'm still not happy with this set, but I figured some might enjoy it.

On the bright side, should everything go to plan, the next set I upload will be the first of the Manor House sets. I'll have to see how it goes =]

Two new set previews

I've uploaded two new set previews for the Manor House Collection.

They are in-game shots of the first part of the Architectural set (interior pieces).

Once I finish the exterior pieces, I'll begin uploading the actual sets for download (yay!).

Until then, I have one more set to upload, the Serendipity Living Room.

Hopefully I'll be ready to upload that by next weekend.

Latest Headlines

Uploading today! Manor House Release Info Subway Tile Walls Updates, updates One crappy summer Still breathing! MH Info Spuh-ring Break! Serendipity Living Two new set previews
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