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phoenix_phaerie's Blog

Decision--A long post, but stay with me...

I've decided to fast track my Manor House Collection. Based on the poll I conducted several weeks ago, it seemed most people wanted me to work on other projects while slowly completing the Manor House Collection.

However, I've started feeling like there are fewer and fewer simmers in the community and the game has lost some of its steam. I still love creating, but I see the writing is on the wall here: the game's popularity has been on the decline.

Maxis has already begun work on The Sims 3, and I don't want to take another 8 months to get the MH sets out when I don't know what the simming landscape could look like by then.

SO, the two projects I would have worked on (a kitchen set and a window companion set to the Pedimentary doors), will now be placed on the back burner while I focus all my energy and talents on the MH sets.

I have that one mini-set made up of the unsatisfactory pieces from the MH Parlor set, but after that, I'll be releasing the first of the Manor House Collection sets (which I believe will be Garden set).

I'm still dealing with school and work and everything else under the sun, so I cannot say when the first MH sets will appear, but it definitely will be in the next few months.



I'm a bit busy these days, but I do have a set that's ready to be submitted. I just need to find the time!

I will soon, hopefully ;]

Manor House Update

Right now, I am working on the parlor set of the Manor House Collection. Or, at least I was.

Because sets are a long, tedious process, no matter how awesome you think a set is when you start it, it is inevitable you'll hate it by the time you've finished testing and fixing problems and testing again and fixing more problems.

This is what happened to me after working on the Manor House Parlor. Except, this time I really truly hate the set. Honestly I think it sucks =[

I may go back and create a new parlor set, but for now here's what'll happen:

1.) The good pieces of the set will be redistributed to other sets
2.) The bad pieces will be released on their own under a different set name.

Even though I'm essentially scrapping this set, I will still finish all the pieces. I've only got one more to finish testing before all the pieces are done.

So look for the "bad" set to be released in the next few weeks.

Poll Results!!

The results of the week-long poll:

35.42% (34 votes) - Focus on the MH sets and get it out quickly with no other sets created in the interim

56.25% (54 votes) - Create new sets periodically while completing the MH sets, even if it means the MH set will be completed slowly

8.33% (8 votes smart a**es) - Spend all my time deleting hideous glittery blinky images from my guestbook and go crazy while getting absolutely NOTHING done.

So it looks like I'll continue working on the MH sets while also doing other things.

This is good for me, because I'm actually working on the MH Parlor set and I hate it already =/

It'll be nice to move on to something non-MH related when I'm done with it.

!!!!POLL TIME!!!!

I'm having a bout of insomnia, so I thought I'd make a poll.

Please vote on how you'd like me to complete the MH Collection sets.

Currently, all that needs to be done of the remaining sets is for them to be converted for the game (sounds easier than it is).

Alternatively, I have a list of sets I want to complete, including a window companion set to the Pedimentary Doors collection and a Pottery Barn-esque coffee themed kitchen set (trust me, it looks better in my head than it sounds on paper!)

I could go either way really, I'd just like for others to weigh in. =]

Two Announcements!!

#1-With the holiday season over, I thought the threat of people posting glittery, blinky animations into my guestbook was over with. I was wrong.

Someone sent me a very nice guestbook message. Unfortunately they used one of these graphics in the message and I was forced to delete it. I really, really, REALLY don't want to be deleting the message people leave for me in my guestbook. I LOVE seeing my guestbook signed (hint hint), but as a designer, those blinky animations are hideous to me in ways that I cannot even begin to describe.

I just...I HATE them. I'm sorry. PLEASE don't make me delete your messages! Just lay off the blinkies =[

#2-The Georgian add-on set will be coming soon. Unfortunately I borked some of the files and I didn't catch it until a round of last-minute in-game testing. That's why they haven't been uploaded yet.

I should be done with that in the last couple of days. =]

Georgian Add-Ons

Earlier, I mentioned that my next set would be something small and simple, and a great joy to all builders out there.

It's a set of add-on windows for the Modern Georgian Manor set. These windows make up the most requested additions I receive for the MGM set.

Look for it in a few days =]

Manor House Sets

Q: When will the Manor House sets will be released?

A: The more blinkies in my guestbook, the later it'll be relased!!

No, I'm kidding =P (Although, I still hate those blinkies! =[)

The real answer is, I'll release the sets when I finish them!

I know a lot of people are interested in these sets, but each set is interlinked with the others either by texture or similar styling.

My staunch perfectionism will not allow me to release them piece by piece.

In the mean time, I'll still be releasing other sets here and there, but when the MH sets are all finished and completed, you'll be glad I took the extra time to get it done right =]

New set coming soon!

I'm working on something new. It's small and simple (I'm too mentally drained to do my usual elaborate sets), but VERY needed. Builders will be quite happy with it =]

I'll be going home for Christmas tomorrow (Sunday), and return (hopefully) before New Years.

After that, I have two solid weeks before school starts back up, so we'll see what I can get done before then!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Please, NO blinkies in my guestbook!

I sincerely thank everyone who has left holiday wishes in my guestbook. They are very sweet and incredibly thoughtful.

But please, I'd prefer if blinkies and animations were NOT posted into my guestbook. I greatly appreciate the thought behind them, but blinky pictures and animations annoy me to no end.

Again, thanks to everyone who was kind enough to sign my guestbook, but if you could leave the pictures out, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

Latest Headlines

Decision--A long post, but stay... Busy Manor House Update Poll Results!! !!!!POLL TIME!!!! Two Announcements!! Georgian Add-Ons Manor House Sets New set coming soon! Please, NO blinkies in my...
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