phoenix_phaerie's Blog
Pedimentary, My Dear! Pt II Coming Soon
Part 2 of the Pedimentary, My Dear! Door Collection will be uploaded soon. Probably next week.In the meantime, I have posted screenshot previews of the 2 doors: the broken triangle pediment and the cornice pediment.
I can't believe it! I finally hit 1 million downloads! How amazing.It's taken nearly 4 years to get here, but I did it!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to anyone and everyone who ever downloaded any of the crap I made. Especially the ones who left messages of encouragement along the way =]
Swan Pediment
The Swan Pediment has been fixed and updated!Pedimentary, My Dear! Coming Soon!
I have completed part 1 of the Pedimentary, My Dear Door Collection!Look for it within the next few days!
Okay, so...
...I vastly underestimated the time it would take me to finish this door project. I'd planned to have the doors up by now, but I think I'll have to put it off up to another two weeks. I'm also thinking of breaking the set into two parts, with four doors in the first part and three in the second part.I'm starting a new job tomorrow (O_o) but I hope it won't take me much longer to finish this set.
Click here to see previews...
...of the new door collection I'm working on.

New set coming soon!
A new build collection is coming up soon. I'm currently working on it, and I hope to be done with modeling and testing it in the next 2-3 weeks.The Big Project is on the shelf for now, which is good, because if I were to work on it non-stop, I'd just get bored and tired of it. And bored+tired=sloppy work. And I really want it to be the best quality possible.
Big Project Status: 50% done
My Big Project is half finished. In theory.I've finally completed all the 3D modeling, which is theoretically half of the effort needed to make a new sims object. However, experience tells me that I'm closer to 20-30% finished, because texture-mapping and in-game testing can be a brutally long tedious processes.
I also have a fickle mind that is telling me to add more pieces. Which, would probably be suicide but, that's my brain for you.
I'm still not at the point where I want to reveal what the big project is (sorry!), but I can assure you that it IS amazing. I can give you a *small* hint: A set I have blogged about previously has been..."absorbed" into the big project.
Anywho, because this thing is taking me forever, I am going to start work on a different project. Definitely something small that I can release in a few weeks while I'm still trying to tackle the Big Project.
I have a couple of ideas for this small project, but as with any of my simmy creations, there is research to do.
Until I thoroughly research both of my ideas, I can't tell which one I pick.
Off to Google I go!
Chez Moi Teen Bedroom
The Chez Moi Teen Bedroom has been uploaded =]It should appear for downloading by the end of the week.
*wipes brow*
I am still hard at work on my big project. I can't believe I actually started this in February and I'm still nowhere near finishing.I guess this is what I get for being too ambitious. I'm certainly not giving up, I'm just realizing that I am but a mere mortal.
Anyway, I honestly couldn't give a timeline for when I'll be finished and done with this project. What I can say, is that when I am finished, people will be shocked and amazed!!
*disappears in a puff of smoke*