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Created for: The Sims 3
I always try to create textures and creations like that at what multi-faceted can be variable in the game.
This creations maybe a yoga pant or a casual pants ~ only choose the suitable texture for it.
It's avaiable for teens, (young) adult and elders with four colours channels.
You may use it an everyday, formal, sleepwear and an athletic bottom.
I wish You like it. ~ Happy Simming.
(everyday ~ formal ~ sleepwear ~ athletic)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1011958
ItemID: 1011958
Filesize: 692 KB
Don't re-upload&used&modified! ~ Thanks!
Credits: Newsea, rosesims2.net, peggyzone, Store, lilisims.com
- Type : Bottoms
- Style : Everyday, Formal, Sleepwear, Athletic
- Age : Teen
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