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prin6je's Blog


Due to a particularly nasty sinus infection I haven't been around for a while, but I'm breathing through my nose again and I'm all ready to make new things :)


I really like retro and contemporary furniture, but for my new set I wanted something more traditional. It's going to be a bedroom set, so here's a preview of the double bed: Of course, as I am not nearly done with it yet, it could end up as something completely different :) I am looking forward to making an armoire - I have never made something animated, so that will be a first! I really love that about creating for The Sims; you can start off with relatively simple things and learn as you go.


I love wooden furniture - and apparently, so do you :) These are the results of my last poll; the question was: "Which material do you prefer in furniture?"
Wood49.79% (117)
Metal7.23% (17)
Plastic1.7% (4)
Fabric16.17% (38)
Glass18.72% (44)
Stone4.26% (10)
Other2.13% (5)

Thank you all for voting!

My next set, 'Opus', is made of wood, and I hope you'll like it. It started out as a study room, so that's why I called it 'Opus', but it turned into a dining room set all by itself :) It will be published tomorrow.


As someone kindly pointed out to me, the shelves of my 'Metro' set were not recolourable at all - but they should have been! I uploaded the correct versions, so I hope you'll download them again. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! The new versions have the same GUIDs, so you don't have to replace them if you've already got them placed somewhere in your game.

And as I'm correcting mistakes anyway, I thought it would be good to fix my 'Modern Classic' canopy bed. It did work, and it was recolourable, but the canopy could not be recoloured - which meant you were stuck with the purple canopy. Not good for purple-phobiacs! So a few new colours are on the way, as some of you requested - if you want to use them, please redownload the bed.

Some of you have also requested some additional colours for my 'Kontrast' set as well - I'm thinking white, orange and/or lime green myself. Let me know which you would like most!

Of course, I'm also working on a mesh set - I'll post a preview picture of it when I'll have something imported in the game!

Thank you!

Thank you all for your kind words! I'm honoured and very happy to be a FA - and all your sweet posts make me even happier! And thanks of course to TSR and Thomas for giving me this wonderful chance :)

I also just got Seasons, which really makes me happy too - I'm playing the game again for the first time since ages now, and I'm having a lot of fun; I think it's a wonderful expansion. I hope to make some new stuff for it soon!

Well, thank you all again! All your wonderful comments on my stuff make creating new things so much more fun :) I hope you'll like my new set, 'Metro'!

Poll results

Since I uploaded my new set, I thought it was time to take the poll down! The question was: 'What you would like me to create next?'
Another living room set5.56% (3)
A dining room set5.56% (3)
A set of decorative items25.93% (14)
A garden furniture set35.19% (19)
Recolors of my existing items11.11% (6)
Something else!16.67% (9)

Clearly, the garden furniture set appealed to most of you - it will be posted on Thursday. I hope you'll like it, it's called 'Islay'. Thank you all for voting!

I'm also quite curious what material you like most in furniture, so that's the question in the new poll :)

What I'll make next, I'm not sure of - I have a lot of ideas, but nothing final yet. My boyfriend will be abroad for over a week, so I'll have a lot of time to make stuff :) On the other hand, I just got promoted at work, and I'm expecting crazy work hours again for a few weeks, but I'm quite happy with it nonetheless :) Yay!

Halfway there

Just thought I'd show you a picture of what I'm working on now, the garden furniture set. The hardest part, a large parasol, is done - and I'm glad it is, because it was absolutely refusing to cooperate :) - so I think the set will be finished soon. The picture doesn't really show much, but I hope you'll like the set when it's done!

Hey - that's not what we voted for!

As you might have noticed, I made a poll to let you vote for what I would create next :) The garden furniture set seems to be a little ahead at this time, so I'm making that at the moment. I'm having much fun with it, as right now in Holland, we have the warmest winter in years, which means instead of snow and ice, we get lots of rain and wind - so making this set fills me with welcome visions of warm and dry summer days :) I'll post a preview picture of it soon.

But since it's not finished yet, I thought it would be nice to upload a recolour set of 'Kontrast', with red leather and black metal. I'm not good at recolouring at all, and this is actually the first time I upload a recoloured set :)

So, just thought I'd let you know I am in fact doing something with the poll results - the recolour set is just an in-between thing :)

Finally finished :)

I finished the new living room set - finally! I had to work at ridiculous times the past two weeks (I'm glad that's over now), so that didn't help. But it's uploaded now, so I hope it will be published soon. It's called 'Kontrast', and it's in black and white and very shiny chrome. I hope you'll like it!


I'm working on a new set; a living room set with chrome and black leather. I had it completely pictured in my mind, I even made some drawings that made me fairly happy :) When I started making the first piece however, a coffee table, the legs I thought out looked extremely silly. I just couldn't make them look right, and I've changed them about a million times. Now I think I'm somewhat happy with the result.

I'm posting a picture here, to keep me from changing the legs again :) It's a chrome table with a glass top and it's not completely done yet. Let me know what you think!

Latest Headlines

Air Bed Wood Oops! Thank you! Poll results Halfway there Hey - that's not what we voted for! Finally finished :) Legs!
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