purplecstasy (1215106)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Circa theme pattern large
Published Oct 17, 2009
About Me
Hi, people
I`m from Moscow. I`m a student studying a design of interior now. I like drawing and hand-made. I like all things that bring us pleasure and a cosiness, things that make us smiling and happy. In a counterbalance to that, I love sad music and horror movies. Also i like playing computer games such as The Sims 2 & 3 and Simcity Societies too I played The Sim 2 at first. I enjoyed building houses and making them comfortable and beautiful.. I downloaded a lot of stuff for it, but I didn`t like playing! So I was very happy when EA Games let out the following version of game - The Sims 3 I like playing and building. I have started to do my own stuff for it. Some of it, which I consider as the most interesting - you see here. Drawing you see at the clothing are my creativity I will be very happy if you like the stuff I do.
I`m only starting but I have plans to do my ability better and better.. Thank so much The Sims Resource for giving this possibility! I always considered it as best resource.
Thank you so much for visiting my mini-site, it means a lot to me
My Latest Updates Show All
hair I use 2Written Sep 28, 2009
scaled/1311/w-650h-650-1311158.jpg" border="0" width="650" height="650" style="border: 1px solid black;" /> download it here - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fwhmwmdimmv scaled/1311/w-950h-531-1311106.jpg" border="0" width="650" height="370" style="border: 1px solid black;" /> download it here - http://uploaded.to/file/7415u1 ... ...More
hair I use 1Written Sep 02, 2009
downloand it here - http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4yjgmmmwn2/Myos18.rar scaled/1279/w-425h-570-1279939.jpg" border="0" width="425" height="570" style="border: 1px solid black;" /> downloand it here - http://www.mediafire.com/?n5ittnzjttn scaled/1281/w-431h-570-1281092.jpg" border="0" width="431" height="570" style="border: 1px solid black;" /> downloand it here -... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviDec 20, 2009
Thank you very much for downloading from me purple I wish you a merry Christmas and may you and your beloved ones have Peace and Health in the New Year!
LeomoOct 19, 2009
Hi there! I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my lots. It's always nice to get feedback!
Marauder281Oct 06, 2009
Glad you liked my screen shot "Like egg plant?" !!! It was a lot of fun!