Qube Design
Hey Folks,
I started playing Sims3 in July after my partner started showing me bits and pieces of the game. It took about 3 days before I finally cracked and when out and got my own copy of the game. Besides the 'Pong' console I got for Christmas in 1976, this is the only other computer game I've every had. Go figure. 'Pong' was fun, but my sister was always beating me, and I'd much rather be doodling houses anyway. She went on to become Mrs. PacMan, and I went on to study art.
But I've always been a bit of a computer nerd (ok, more than a bit). I wrote my first computer program in high school in 1979 on a PET computer. Back then, Christ was a child, and computer programs were saved on cassette tapes. All 16 bytes of it. I went on to get a degree in computer science, specializing in computer graphics (back when we had 8 colours to choose from LOL!!), and database design. I was a 'page creator' (web designer) for parts of 'Teleguide to Toronto' in 1984. It was the world's first commercial ISP, and proved unviable at the time. Consumer research proved to be more viable (yea! I could pay my rent!). I became a data research analyst. It also turned out to be really fun (what can i say, I'm a nerd...), and I progressed on to become a multivariate statistician ('Quant-Jock', or 'Exciting Accountant' if you prefer), then sampling director, then senior project manager. My interest in design got lost somewhere in the reams of paper floating around my office.
So when Sims3 landed in my lap, needless to say the 'building addiction' quickly set in. It's sharpened my love of architecture and design, and has afforded me an amazing creative outlet (aside from working out at the gym). I simply love to build houses...