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qubedesign's Guestbook

JCIssetteAug 16, 2010

You are such a bad boy..fooling us lowly SA's like that.\:D Hmmmm....payback might be in process. LOL:P

DT456Aug 15, 2010

Okey! \:\)

DT456Aug 15, 2010

Hi there Paul! I just got a question.. Are you QubeDesign? \:o I´ve seen him/her take your avatar! \:\(

juhhmiAug 13, 2010

Hello! You have just amazing buildings! I love those large stone mansions, especially Granton Hall! Those modern houses look also very nice! \:\)

katalinaAug 13, 2010

Hiya BigPaul. Thank you so much for that wonderful comment on my old woman in a shoe house..  I really appreciate it coming from great talent as yourself. Have a marvolous day\:D

moieemAug 12, 2010

hey, check out my new lot called 'Bella Italia' I've done the landscaping with your tips. xoxo \:wub\:

JCIssetteAug 11, 2010

Hey, goodlooking. What have you been up to? Send me an email and tell me the latest. I am trying to get through this last hot month of summer. It has been blazing hot here. Catch me up on that exciting life you have. LOL\:D  (I know......tell that old woman to get a life.) LOL Just want to razz you, my friend. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

tranced25Aug 10, 2010

Hey Paul... Your Shannon Lot has been making me drool for a bit.....  Just sitting there in pictures teasing.... \:D   Are you planning to release this one soon?\:\)  

moieemAug 9, 2010

thanks for your help on landscaping. i learned much about it, THANKSSS \:wub\:

moieemAug 7, 2010

hey paul, can you learn me some landscaping tricks? My houses look so boring without garden. help me please? xx

LightSide93Aug 6, 2010

Hello Paul. \:\) Thought I would drop by and thank you for leaving a kind comment by my lot. Glad you like it. \;\) ~Light~ \:D

JCIssetteAug 6, 2010

Good morning, Paul. Good to hear from you.\:D  It has been so hot here. I try to stay in as much as possible except when I just have to tend to my garden and yard. The humidity is horrible here in Virginia this year. I think it is the hottest summer we have had since I moved here ten years ago. I am longing for fall. LOL Glad you are having a great summer. I'm sure it is cooler where you live. Have a good one. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

PilarAug 4, 2010

thank you so much for your nice comment on my set masai  \:wub\:  huggles

denizzo_istAug 3, 2010

Hi \:wub\:Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my 'Aston Modern'. Really I'm glad you like it \:wub\: Have a wonderful day \:rah\:

wolfspryteAug 1, 2010

Hi!  Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my "Modern Chic Living" set...   it means a lot that you took the time to comment!! \:D  THANK YOU Melissa

MotorStefan95Jul 31, 2010

Hi Paul, I went on the lots section today and saw your Granton Hall. Just one word WOW.\:D I like them type of buildings (im more into old buildings than modern ones). To bad im not a suscriber. Keep on making amazing lots like this one.\:rah\:

fatanasovJul 31, 2010

wowwww its really nice, id love to live in it even if i dont like the gothics, great job

JCIssetteJul 31, 2010

Good morning, good looking! How is my favorite FA?\:D I envy you so with all the wonderful CC you get to use now. What a bummer for us lowly SA's. \:\) Saw that lovely comment you made on Whitehall Manor. Glad you liked it. I have been working on some smaller lots lately. I needed some for my hood. It is a nice break from the large estates. What have you been working on? I want to get back to CAW since it is fixed now. I have a project that I have been working on for months. I have so little time to spend on it, that it has taken that long. Have you tried the CAW at all. It really is fun. Well, got to run. Let me hear what all you have been up to in real life, my friend. Hugs, Judy

ShinoKCRJul 30, 2010

Hi Paul! Thank you for your wonderful comment on the Clive Living \:wub\:And I'm glad you like it. Huggles Renate

DOTJul 29, 2010

Hi hi \:\) Thank you for the nice comment on the Seattle Wall lamp I tried to make. That is the part of the set that I liked also \:D Your lots look wonderful. You can find me just staring at your last lot with my mouth open, if anyone is looking for me \:D

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