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JCIssetteJul 3, 2010

Good morning, Paul. It was sweet of you to leave me a nice comment on Blackstone Avenue. I am nearing the end of these plantation styled homes and glad for it. I am getting really burned out on them. LOL Then I think I will just do some plain traditional little homes, like one room. LOL Well, have a wonderful weekend. I will try to get you a pm off soon to catch up on everything. Hugs, Judy.

PralinesimsJul 1, 2010

\:rah\: oh i just saw another awesome comment from you! Thank you also for the amazing comment  to my night-Life lot\:\)\:rah\: its so great to see you like this house ! \:D best wishes,praline\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:rah\:

PralinesimsJul 1, 2010

Hey paul\:\) wow you made my day...AGAIN!! thank you for your awesome feedback on my lot!! *Yeah* i really appreciate that!!! im a little bit mad,because a user wrote me that i made a copy of that house,and that the house is  from another creator\:mad\:\:mad\: that cant be! i made my the lots all by myself! and im not staling anyone elses work! i have never done that before and i will never do that! i love creating houses and i dont have to steal anothers "creativity" \:\) so you are my life saver\:D i starter to hate the house,because of the feedback from the user\:\( im glad that you like it\:wub\: \:wub\: i wish you a awesome day and a wonderful week! its so hot today in germany\:wub\:\:cool\:\:rah\: i wish you alot of sunshine!! see you dear paul!\:D kisses and hugs to you!!\:wub\:\:rah\:\:wub\: im waiting patiently for a new masterpiece from you!! see you byeeeee xoxo\:wub\:

katalinaJun 30, 2010

Hiya Paul, stopping in to thank you for leaving me such a nice comment on the NYC Brownstone. I really like how it turned out. Have a great day!\:\)

samusa06Jun 28, 2010

Ahhh... Well at least somebody's  computer is working with this game... \:rolleyes:  lol.... And yes, what would we lot builders do without the wonderful object and pattern makers we find here at TSR and around the usual simmer haunts. I've been dying to use Sue's windows for a while now but haven't found the right project yet.. oneday.. \:D So I see you are a virgo... no wonder you have such perfectionism and attention to detail in you lots! \:\) Have a great day! Sam

FlexinaJun 28, 2010

Thanks for the nice comment on my lot Hadutt mansion, you do have some incredible houses your self \:\)

mrsimulatorJun 27, 2010

Hi! Thanks for your comment on my lot Three Anchor Bay. Take care!

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

You´re so welcome!\:D i added the comment before the house was released ,now i can finally play in this stunning house! thank you again for creating it! it looks absolutely beautiful! Your work is always so well detailed and realistic! i adore your style!\:rah\:\:cool\:  wish you a amazing and fun weekend,too! i hope youre fine \:D have a gorgeous and relaxing sunday \:wub\:\:wub\: bye bye Paul!\:rah\:\:wub\:

JCIssetteJun 26, 2010

Good morning, Handsome. How is my favorite FA??? \:D I bet you are enjoying putting all that FA stuff in your lots now. I drool over it, but want to keep my lots free. LOL I have been meaning to write you. I think about you, but then my mind gets busy and I forget. Thanks for that wonderful comment on Greenwood Place.\:D  I am working on the town home from Gone with the Wind and it is looking pretty close to the real one. Of course, there are always some compromises on the structure with the limitations of the game, but is it looking pretty. It will be the next to last of my plantation series. The last one will be Tara. That was a fabulous estate you build on the Gothic style. Just loved it. Well, need to run. Big hug, Judy.\:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 23, 2010

HI MR Paul\:D\:\) thank you for the comment on my lot  Chateau Paris\:D \:Dim glad you like it\:\)it was hard to build..it took me almost 2 hours lol\:rah\: \:rah\: i wish you a wonderful day and a sweet week!!*HUGS*\:rah\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

alolengJun 23, 2010

Thank you for your comment. Glad you liked the lot. \;\)

PralinesimsJun 21, 2010

Hellooo Paul\:D how are you??\:D thanks for the amazing feedback on my lots!! wow you simply awesome\:wub\:\:wub\: i love your lots,too!!they´re a great inspiration!! i wish you a beautiful day and wonderful and sunny week!! *lotsofkissesandhugs*\:wub\:\:rah\:

JCIssetteJun 21, 2010

Good morning, handsome.\:D You are so welcome for the comments. I am surprised that you noticed my 100,000 downloads count. I was going to say something about it in my blog, but thought people might think I was blowing my own horn. LOL It is a great amount for a simple lot builder. My friends who make objects have millions on their downloads. LOL Guess that will never happen for me. I would never live long enough. Well, thanks for being such a good friend and so supportive. You are the best, Paul. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 21, 2010

Thanks (((Paul))) Wonderful to get such great feedback from you! Thanks for commenting on The Bonaparte! \:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 19, 2010

Hey Paul!\;\) THANK YOU SO MUCH!! im always happy when i see you commented my lots\:\) \:\) \:\) you made my day\:wub\::wub\:\(HUG)\:wub\:\:wub\:   this time i want to thank you for the lovely feeddback on my Grafenhaus-lot\:\) im glad you like it!\:\) i wish you an amazing weekend with lots of fun and a happy and great day \:rah\:\:wub\:\:D see you ,bye bye\:D\:wub\:

JCIssetteJun 18, 2010

Hello there, Paul!!! \:D You are so sweet to leave me such a wonderful comment on Clements Circle. I hope you will like the rest as they come. I have a bunch of them. They are something different to build, so I am enjoying it. What have you been up to? Staying out of trouble??? LOL Well, enough teasing. Have a great weekend. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 15, 2010

Hi Paul!\:\) thank you for taking the time to comment my patterns! im happy you like them!\:D  i wish you a awesome day and a beautiful week!! *HUGS*\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

ShinoKCRJun 15, 2010

Hi Paul! Thank you for your utterly sweet comment on the Clive Bathroom \:wub\: Happy you like it \:\) Huggles Renate

samusa06Jun 13, 2010

Hi! \:D Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my latest lot *Houghton Hall*. Getting feedback from a fantastic builder, such as yourself, always leaves me with a big grin for the rest of the day! \:wub\:

disorderedmindJun 13, 2010

Congrats on becoming a featured artist! \:D

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