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qubedesign's Guestbook

chmilewskyApr 29, 2010

super chouette vos lots!! wonderfull!   bises   cywkis

runesong54Apr 28, 2010

What a nice mini-site you have...I am so NOT creative...when I see a beautiful site like this it just reminds me of that fact!

MuffinisStrangeApr 21, 2010

I am so happy I found your page! Your AMAZING!!! thank you for sharing them with us!

katalinaApr 4, 2010

Happy Easter Paul \:wub\:

JCIssetteApr 4, 2010

Happy Easter, Paul. Have a good one.\:wub\:

francienApr 3, 2010

Paul Paul, you make me blushing..such a lovely comment on Forrest thank you again!!Sweet of you to take a look and comment. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! \:wub\:

framedarchitectureApr 3, 2010

Hi Paul, I wanted to thank you for your comments on Dunleith, but also to let you know that your own Antebellum Lecroix inspired me to dig that lot out, refurbish it and present it on TSR. Thanks, as always, for your terrific designs! best, William

JCIssetteApr 3, 2010

Good morning, Paul. Hope you are having a fine Easter weekend. It is yard work for us today. I am not looking forward to that, but it has to be done. What have you been up to? Something fun, I am sure. Just wanted to say thank for that great comment you left me on Raspberry Hill. I liked that little house, too. You know some are favorite and some are not. Lol. I do appreciate your feedback at all times. Well, got to run. Have a nice weekend. Chat later. Hugs, Judy

francienMar 30, 2010

Hi Paul, thank you again for another encouraging reply..I like Adobe as well, the layout is simple and easy to navigate, and it looks great in the game. Well you know what I find of your houses! each of them are super! you have your own style of building that makes it so nice! have a great day\:wub\:

katalinaMar 28, 2010

Hiya Paul, better late then never lol. I am thrilled you liked Beyond Summer Gate and that fountain in front took me awhile to do because I kept adding things to it. Sometimes less is more and I need to pratice that once in awhile lol. Have a great weekend\:wub\:

JCIssetteMar 27, 2010

Good morning, Paul. I see you found my little cutie, Brinkley Road. You are right, my lots are getting smaller and smaller. Thanks for the nice comment. Guess I am getting lazy these days. LOL I saw your new lot today and it was facinating in design and style. Well, have a great weekend. Big hug, Judy.\:wub\:

JCIssetteMar 27, 2010

Good evening, Paul. I am getting worried about you. Have not seen you on the site lately. Hope your cold is not any worse and you are recovering okay. Take care, handsome. We miss you. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

srgmls23Mar 21, 2010

Olá (hi) Paul\:D..thank your for your amazing comment on my lot ( Harmony )...I am so glad when I read that people like a house :P... Have a great sunday - hugs! Sergio

JCIssetteMar 21, 2010

Good evening, Handsome. \:D How are you feeling? I haven't heard from you in a while. I know you have been really busy, so it was great that you could leave me such a nice comment on my new castle, Braxton. \:D I'm glad you liked it. I have been building a lot of smaller homes for a while, but did throw one more mansion into it all. It won't be out until over a month from now. What have you been up to??? Something spectacular, I am sure. Have a great weekend, my friend. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

pema10Mar 20, 2010

nice lots!

Courtmc1021Mar 18, 2010

Paul, your designs are incredible. I love all of them - but I think Tofino is my favorite. I love BC, so it naturally caught my eye. You are so talented though, you should be an architect. Thank you so much for sharing everything with us. Please continue to amaze us with your designs! Thanks!!!

francienMar 14, 2010

Hi Paul !!How are you? saw you lastest lot wow!! what a work\:eek\: looks fantastic you thought on everything didn't you! What I also like is your description about the house and you add some story against the building and neighborhood! Now I want to say thanks again for looking and writing such supportive words! it's wonderful to read them\:rah\: Yes the garden of myway is really amazing if I may say\:D it was fun to create with many different little places where sims can sit ~ fish or do whatever they want\:D It's not a easy to reach house I suppose,\:rolleyes: but my testingfamily did it very well, the boy went fishing on his own! and the girl walked up the stairs to the house and began to cook..I was taking pictures in the time they lived there and it was a suprise to see the both of them went outside with they're meal to eat in the bq place. I was happy to see that everything worked fine, wich is awaiting because the garden is a little more complex than normal\:confused\:Ah next one is simple..I hope you have a great sunday \:wub\:  

JCIssetteMar 13, 2010

Good morning, Paul. How is your cold? All better, I hope. It seems you were not too sick to turn out another awesome lot. Loved the new mansion. My little "Gimbel Drive" pales in the shadow of that mansion. LOL Thanks for the "Wow." Seeing your name and encouraging comments always makes my day. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

BrandonTRMar 10, 2010

Hi, Paul \:\) Thanks For Your Sweet Comment \:\) I'm Happy \:\) Also I Like Your Houses \:\) See You Soon \:\)

JCIssetteMar 6, 2010

Good evening, handsome guy!!! Thanks for your nice comment on Peach Tree Circle. I saw your new awesome looking lot in your upcoming. It looks amazing. What have you been up to? I haven't heard much out of you lately. LOL  Well, have a great weekend. Hugs, Judy

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