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qubedesign's Guestbook

jtmaxMar 4, 2010

Hello again Paul. Just a note to let you know I appreciate that you took the time to sign my guestbook. Thank you for your supportive feedback therein, and regarding my screenshot 'Poolside Elegance at Shieldstone Terrace'. Oh yes, and of course, to say "Way to Go Vancouver 2010".

francienMar 3, 2010

I was very pleased when I read your comment to Oldtimes..I was a little in doubt if I would upload the lot or not. I'm glad I did because it's a nice house to play with even it's a bit of a strange fantasybuilding\:D Thank you for your sweet words they mean a lot to me! \:wub\:

rosie.36Mar 2, 2010

Wow! Your houses are AMAZING!!!!!! I saw that u wrote that u would be able to help with one of a kind houses and when i saw that my heart stopped I was so happy! I am been wanting a french inspired house and all the ones that i have tried to download have either need sims 3 store items or they require the world adventures. I have a french house in mind and i will put the link in this message. I just hope you can find the time to reply back to me. Thanks! I like the landscaping in this one: http://atlantafinehomes.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/1-best-front.jpg And i like the house in this one: http://www.sheelahclarkson.com/hotsheet/cliffs3/Exterior.jpg Again many thanks!!

kendrahlMar 1, 2010

hi paul, i love your design and what you did with that fire hall 19. i'm thinking of using the raw version and turn it into a great house for my sims. it will be my first time "creating" a home. any tips ? \:P also the fully Furnished version is great. to bad you can't upload that one \:\( anyway i hope you make some more lots like this in the future. greetings Ste

haarpFeb 28, 2010

hii just stopped to say your houses are absolutely everything i wanted my sims to have...i have a great time decorating them and they end up really cool because of the way you build them, so..thanks!\:D

JCIssetteFeb 27, 2010

\:D Good morning, Paul. I am up with the birds this morning. \:D Don't you just hate cheery people early in the morning? LOL  Just wanted to say thanks for your gracious comment on my new lot, Graymont. It was not one of my favorite lots, but I'm glad someone is liking it. It is a very functional home. Loved your old firehouse conversions. Great idea. Well, have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

francienFeb 22, 2010

Paul thank you again! I'm happy you like Elisane as well..how is everything? hope you are fine and wish you for now a great day! \:wub\:

jadepanther198303Feb 22, 2010

thanks for the comment on my Modern starter. Its nice to know someone likes it.

JCIssetteFeb 21, 2010

Paul, where is your Featured Creations pod on your minisite? Am I missing something?\:D  Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteFeb 20, 2010

Good morning, Paul! Hope you are having a nice weekend. Man, you are really cranking out the lots since your return. Vacations must be good for creative juices. I think I need one.\:D Some nice homes you have been submitting. Thanks for your nice comment on my new castle, Cheshire. It was smaller and easier to build than the last one. I will try to get a note off to you soon. I have neglected my friends lately. Been up to my ears in scrapbooking and genealogy stuff. Have a great weekend. Big huge, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteFeb 14, 2010

Hey, handsome. Happy Valentine's Day. \:wub\: Thanks for your wonderful comment on Lancelot Castle.\:D  Building that lot on an angle will be for the last time.\:eek\:  It was quite a challenge, but it was the only way I could get the roads up to it. What to you mean "to scale?" You do that with much ease, my friend. My talent for moderns is zero. LOL I admire that you can come up with such creative ideas on yours. \;\) Have a great week, Paul. You're the best. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

Vanilla SimFeb 14, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day!

framedarchitectureFeb 14, 2010

Dear Paul, Congratulations on your well-deserved win for your January lots. You've developed a stunning body of work - each lot unique, each lot uniquely you. All the best, William

DOTFeb 14, 2010

Happy ~ ♥ ~ Day!

saffroncat5Feb 14, 2010

I Love all of your lots they are awesome..Great Job too on wining 2nd place..

oldmember_Ragdoll613Feb 12, 2010

Hi Paul - thanks for the kind reply!  But now I'm in trouble... because I've discovered some of your other creations, and am now compelled to download those as well! Thanks again for sharing your creations!

francienFeb 12, 2010

Hi Paul, thank you for your sweet reply, I'm happy you like yellowstone..it's so great to read your reply's whe make such different houses I admire your style wich I never ever can build! Your upcoming lot Solstice is brilliant because it looks sooo expansive you decorate in and outside very well \:wub\:I like your houses as well. Have a wonderful weekend with hopefully some sunshine instead of snow\:D \:wub\:

katalinaFeb 11, 2010

Hi Paul \:D Thanks for commenting on the abandoned elf dwelling, glad you like it, have a wonderful day of fun and creativity \:wub\:

deb2grayFeb 11, 2010

I hear ya about the addiction  Deb

TugmeLFeb 10, 2010

Hi Paul! Congratulations.. \:rah\:

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