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TugmeLJan 5, 2010

Hi Paul, I changed the date of publication *Tgm-Residential-07*.. Today will be published \:\) (January 05-2010) -Meltem-

Marauder281Jan 4, 2010

Thanks for the nice comments on my lot 'Eclipse'!! It's great to hear from a fellow builder! I'm glad you mentioned the landscaping. Flat lots can be somewhat artificial looking. This one had to be raw and unpolished. The pre-construction theme was " Windows inside a landscape". Basically I did not plan the house at all. Only the views and car port was planned prior to construction. In fact, I "split-leveled" the house after it was constucted to reduce its profile. The blue in the master bedroom was intended to bring the ocean inside. The cyan colored outdoor lights also bring the ocean closer and gives the impression of moon light. I'm glad you like the house! Thanks for the feed back! ~John

JCIssetteJan 1, 2010

Good morning and Happy New Year, Paul. Are we hung over?????\:D LOL Well, just wanted to say thanks for that great critique of my house, Stonewall Avenue. Not one of my favorite houses and I see things on it that I wish I had done differently, but it is built and hopefully, someone will want it. Do you ever do that? Women are so wishywashy, arent' we???? LOL Well, nurse your head today and try to rest.:P  Hugs to my best guy....Judy\:wub\:

KricketzJan 1, 2010

\:D Thanks for the comments, Paul, it is very much appreciated, and has allowed me to check out and bookmark your site....fantastic work. Happy New Year!  Kricketz

TugmeLDec 31, 2009

Hi Paul, Thank you very much for your lovely comment. \:wub\:  I hope that you will enjoy it in your game.. Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you..

simromiDec 30, 2009

Hi Paul, I am a little behind due to the holidays.  I wanted to stop by and say thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my Floral Flair pattern. \:D  I am glad you like it.  Happy Simming and Happy New Year.\:rah\:

francienDec 30, 2009

Hi Paul, how where you day's and did you receive your new laptop?it would be nice when you have it just before the new year begins..Now of to your wonderful comment in my GB so many compliments they made me \:o thank you for your words they mean a lot to me! Than your great reply on Bartoffel..uh what a name \:DI love to build houses but naming them is way difficulter than I thought..your reply is great! I'm very happy you like the lot, I was a bit unsure because it's the largest plot I ever done..difficult to make it compfortable for the sims, I put two lady's in the house and they where in awe of any tree \:Dwalking around and putting they're hands together in the air..haha that seeing I thought it's fine, sims like to be here.And whe say here in the netherlands:gezellige oudejaarsavond en een gelukkig nieuwjaar..have a great oldyears evening and a happy new year! \:wub\:

JCIssetteDec 28, 2009

Good morning, Paul!!!\:D Sounds like you are having a great holiday. Ours was good, too. It would have been better for me if I had gotten to be with my children and family in Texas. I really miss them during the holiday season. We went to North Carolina for my husband's family party. Lot of good food and conversation to be had. All in all, Santa was very good to me and God's blessings were abundant. Thanks about the castle. I am having a good time with that EA castle set. I wish I could use Sue's set, but stay away from the FA stuff to keep my lots free. I must say, those big mansions and castles exhaust me, so right now I am building some small houses. Nothing special, but an easy and quick build. LOL Look forward to your next spectacular lot, too.\:D Have a great week, Paul. Grant is home, so we will be out and about some. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

SimsimayDec 27, 2009

*' Merry Christmas ! I wish happy and healty new year! '*  \:\)

francienDec 26, 2009

ps..I have been browsing your houses and must say you build the most awesome lots yourself, they all are so diverse..great work! I know it must have been a lot of work and creativity! \:wub\:

francienDec 26, 2009

Hi Paul, hope you have enjoying your day! And many thanks for your wonderful compliment on Leicester in the snow, I'm really appreciate your reply \:wub\:

JCIssetteDec 26, 2009

Me again! I forgot about that awesome comment you left me on Camelot Castle. I loved building that lot. It was an experiment with the new EA castle set and fun to build. I have a couple more of them coming up later. New versatile set. Well, appreciate your remarks, my friend. You always make me smile like this.\:D Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteDec 26, 2009

Good morning, handsome!! Hope your holiday weekend is going great. Was Santa good to you??? My Santa just spoiled me rotten this Christmas. \:D He is always my favorite Santa. LOL Thanks for your wonderful critique on my new house, De Cinto Circle.\:D  The Tuscan style is not my favorite, but I like to throw one in the pile every once in a while. LOL I just build whatever I see that appeals to me and that one did. Well, I need to run. Chat with you later. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

alolengDec 26, 2009

Hi Paul, those images were from my files before, and some I just scanned somewhere else. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. \;\)

dltn43Dec 25, 2009

Hello Paul,  I wish you and your Family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year both filled with love and peace!   \:\)    \:wub\:     Diana

cashcraftDec 24, 2009

Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward All! Merry Christmas! Carolyn \:\)

mutskeDec 24, 2009

Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas and Happy New year \:wub\:

JCIssetteDec 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!\:wub\:

shakeshaftDec 24, 2009

Hi Paul...Wishing you all the happiness for the holiday season and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!! Andrea \:\)

cemreDec 24, 2009

Dear Paul \:wub\: I wish you and your family joy and happiness and health, Merry Christmas and Happy new Year !!!

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