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qubedesign's Guestbook

alolengDec 24, 2009

Hi Paul, thanks for your comment. You always flatter me with your nice compliments. Though this last house wasn't really furnished as it's supposed to be. The patterns and some objects that I used to have is not showing in game. This is because of the EA patch. I can't use other patterns and objects. But, I just hope it will be fixed soon so the next lot will be as gorgeous as before. Thanks again and Happy Holidays. \;\)

AngelaDec 23, 2009

Hi Paul. You are very welcome for the trims, i hope you will enjoy them! Happy Holidays!

IllianaDec 23, 2009

Hello Paul! \:D This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! \:wub\: - Tammy

TJ StreakDec 23, 2009

I agree with your comment about so many homes coming in at an unrealistic price.  Then again, I am convinced that most of the homes one sees online are selected primarily based on whether it has a nifty screenshot.  I am also convinced that many of these designers never play the game, and certainly never play using their own creations. As faulty as my own stuff is, at least I play with it.  I create stuff for myself and figure that if I find it useful, others will as well. Doing a real starter is a challenge, but quite possible.  I have done a number of starter homes, but have not uploaded them.  Again, I want homes my sims can start a game in without using cheats.  When I start a new family, I just plunk down one of the starters in the neighborhood.  (Too bad, we don't have an apartment expansion yet.)  And a 30,000 simoleon home is just as out of reach for a starting family as a 300,000 simoleon home. My lowest price home comes in at about 11,000 simoleons.  It doesn't look so great in a screenshot, but it is highly functional. So I would encourage you to try a real starter home.  Personally, I think that's where the real challenge is at.  Not very many people are doing real starters, and I suspect that those playing the game would appreciate one more than a really expensive home that looks great in a screenshot -- but which their sims cannot afford in their lifetime.

francienDec 23, 2009

Hi Paul, thank you for your great reply to Blanckenburch...I hope you like it when it is in the game either, and yes there is a indoorpool \:D Wishing you and yours also a very Happy Christmas and all the best there is for the New Year \:wub\:

NeptuneSuzyDec 22, 2009

*** Hi! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year! *** ~ Sue \:wub\:

hatshepsutDec 22, 2009

I wish you a safe, warm and happy Christmas and very best wishes for the new year.  \:wub\:

ekinegeDec 22, 2009

Hi! I wish for you and yours a new year of happiness in a world of peace. Have a great holiday season and a happy new year.\:wub\: Ekin

mensureDec 21, 2009

*** I Wish You A Happy New Year ***

DOTDec 21, 2009

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

kateknightukDec 21, 2009

Hi Paul - a quick note to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Enjoy \:wub\: xx

francienDec 20, 2009

Wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and may the New Year be filled with love~joy and happyness!\:wub\:

JCIssetteDec 18, 2009

Merry Christmas, handsome!!!! Where you been this week? Now, don't say working because I know you are retired.\;\) I saw your sweet comment on my new mansion, Dendron Manor. Do you ever have a problem knowing what style a house is? I did with that one. Had no clue, just thought it was pretty. LOL  How do I turn out those big mansions each week???? I don't. I have a little elf that works his fingers to the bone building those mausoleums at night while I dream away. The houses I build are those LITTLE ugly ones. LOL :P  Now be good, or Santa will leave coal in your stocking.\:D  Big hug coming your way, Judy\:wub\:

ayyuffDec 17, 2009

Glad you like my lot 'Brezza' and many thanks for your lovely comment \:\) Have a nice day!

redd reddDec 17, 2009

Wow thanks Paul!!! I sure will. My fave spot is France, so a huge French Chateau-like mansion or alace would be suitable. It will definitely be no more than 4 sims there, the parents and 2 children, so nurseries are sweet. A wine cellar definitely, the way you decorate that's exactly how I decorate!!!!! I love it. I love victorian-style antique furniture, Old world charm. Beautiful designs in the walls and furnishings, like your creations Paul. On a 60x60 or 64x64 lot. I will jot some notes down. Thanks so much Paul again.

eviDec 17, 2009

Merry Christmas to you \:wub\: ! I hope the year 2010 brings you all you wish for.

JSR_JulieDec 15, 2009

Hey and thank you for your comment about VG 49 \:\) I hope you have fun with it. Have a nice day, Julie

redd reddDec 15, 2009

What's up Paul, I really love your homes ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! They are realistic, yet big and beautiful. I admire homes ike that, that's whuy I love JC, Illiana, and many others for their hard dedicated work!!!! Please continue to design with Qube Design, like I said my sim wil have to ''hire'' your sim's company to build the most beautiful and exquisite mansion any sim has ever seen!!!!!! Holla back! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Jennifer_RDec 15, 2009

....oops I think I'm getting Black Pearl and Red Dragon mixed up. \:o I do love them both though. \:\)

Jennifer_RDec 15, 2009

Hi Paul, your very welcome! I downloaded all the content that you used as well. Except a few things I couldn't download, CD's stuff. She is not available lately so I'll just leave those out I guess. Do you happen to know what lot in Sunset Valley you placed it on? I'm egar to see what it looks like in the game. I have plans for a family to live in there very soon. \:\)

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