sailfindragon (1676902)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (459 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Summit Furniture Collection -...
Published Aug 21, 2008
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I am no longer creating here at The Sims Resource. However you can find me and my creations at Unfortunately I am unable to offer support for items I released here at TSR, but if I get time to update any of these items, I will let you guys know.
Thank you
My Latest Updates Show All
I am back againWritten Aug 12, 2008
Just thought I would let you all know that I am back again. Up to date with university stuff for a few days. I have uploaded 100 Texture Challenge, so hopefully it will be released in the next few days. I have also uploaded the Santiago Natural Dining Recolour. I am just finishing up the Natural Works Fireplace and Wall Mirror, plus recolours of the Esprit Curtains. I am hoping to get those... ...More
University Assignments/ExamsWritten Aug 04, 2008
Hi All Just thought i would let you know that i will be away for the next week getting uni assignments/exams finished. I will still be checking my GB and private messages, so if you have any questions please keeping them coming. Once i am back the natural works fireplace will be published, along with recolours of the Esprit Curtain Collection, metallic recolours of the Esprit Blind... ...More
TC 100 Texture ChallengeWritten Aug 02, 2008
Just to remind you all that the TC100 Texture Challenge is taking place right now and will run for two weeks. Why not stop by and have some fun recolouring! Debs ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SimonettaCJun 05, 2010
Hi Deb, Thankyou so much for your very kind comments! I am so pleased that you liked my Medieval Weave pattern. I appreciate the time you took to leave me feedback. I love your website by the way. Speak to you later on Facebook xxxx
AppleFallMay 19, 2010
Thankyou Debs Yours are amazing too I love your style.
mutskeMay 18, 2010
Hi and thank you for youer nice comment om my shuttered windows. Have a nice day