salixlikescake's Blog
Uh, hello! (Mesh links fixed, and other news.)
It's been awhile. I caught up with old comments today, and fixed the pillow mesh link for all three sets. If there's anything else broken please let me know.
Thanks to everyone that's left such sweet comments, on my posts and in the guestbook. I do really appreciate it, even though responding has never been my strong suit.
I've been participating in various things at Black Pearl Sims, (you can view all my posts there.) And attempting to work on a legacy project, but I keep getting sidetracked by pretty photos of things to make. But, there are a few things I have to post here, one of which is upcoming. So there's that.
Other Downloads Index
I do post some things at other places from time to time, so here's an index of where everything else is located.
- Beatrice Set, at CherryBlossomSims Forum
- Thanksgiving Dessert, my entry for BlackPearlSim's Thanksgiving Just Five.
- Burlesque, my entry for BlackPearlSim's Color Me Crazy no. 39.
Credits List
Hello! I find myself using a lot of things over and over in my previews and screenshots so I thought it was about time I do a quick credits run down. (And I'm sure I'm leaving someone out, because I have too big of a downloads folder to remember everyone.)
Build Mode: (Particularly walls and floors)
That's all I can think of for now. Thanks to everyone!
Feel free to post WCIF here, or in the specific post. (I've tried just using my things in previews, but it's so tricky, so I at least want everyone to be properly credited.)