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samusa06's Guestbook

missyzimApr 17, 2010

Hi Samusa! Just wanted to let you know I downloaded your Cape House and I love it!  \:wub\: You did such a great job and the file size wasn't a problem. All your houses are really great! Keep up the good work! \:rah\:  Your Cape house also inspired me to build a couple beach houses myself. (I could't have yours sitting there all by itself! lol) I use to build beach houses all the time and I published a few here for Sims 2 a couple years ago, but I've been building and playing in the regency/victorian eras for so long, I'd forgotten how much fun beach houses are! Thanks for the inspiration! I'll be looking forward to more great stuff from you! Missy

matomibotakiApr 16, 2010

\:rah\:Thank you so much for your nice comment on my house - Concise Style- very happy you like it. You are always welcome. Have a nice weekend.\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

francienApr 15, 2010

O hahaha I'm so sorry for the mistake!!\:D let me know if you want if Simon likes to live on the beach!? \:wub\:  

runesong54Apr 14, 2010

I'd be happy to share some photos, althought I'm working on a project right now, so it might take a few days before I choose a family to move it and play the house.  The project I'm working on is a lot of fun (and work).  I love the Faire furniture and the Gotique sets, so I'm working on a story to share about a bad faerie and what happens when greed rules your life.   I can't wait to finish it!

YrS92Apr 14, 2010

Good to hear\:\) Have a great day, hugs, S\:wub\:

runesong54Apr 14, 2010

No problem with the file size, Samusa, I have a kick butt computer (bought it last year just for Simming)!  Anyway, the house is great, of course, whatever Sim moves in there may do a little redecorating, they all tend to have a style of their own, but mostly they won't change really is very nice!

francienApr 13, 2010

Hi where right Rivervieuw doesn't have any beach..mistake of me it Bounty is located on a beach in Sunset Valley..I putted the wrong name stupid of me\:o But I wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on Bounty it's great you took the time to look and write something! and excuses now you have searched and searched for a beach wich you never will find in Rivervieuw..hope you still had fun with playing \:D \:wub\:

katalinaApr 13, 2010

Hey Samusa, I noticed you left me a comment on Aurora Falls and what a wonderful comment it was glad you liked it and happy simming\:D

framedarchitectureApr 13, 2010

Thank you so much for your nice comments on my lots - really appreciated! And thank you for taking time to share your beautiful lots. The cape cod home is beautiful! best, William

katalinaApr 12, 2010

Hi Samusa\:\) It is good to hear from you! and we do have some things in common. I have an Auntie who is from Australia and she was born in Queensland and yes I am a character builder and modern isn't my forte either lol! but I have made a few. You can also see my character homes in my Sims 2 submissions.  I like to touch base on many styles of homes to get that experience but my first love is building cottages because I tend to go crazy with the landscaping lol. Babbling brooks, bridges, and lots of plants and flowers seem to go hand and hand with cottages. I have been looking at your other homes and they are lovely aswell but the Cape home really caught my eye. I had to zoom in because I thought it was a photo of a real home that is how realistic your home looks so pat yourself on the back for doing an outstanding job! Keep making these beautiful realistic homes, you'll never know when you get an invite to be promoted to Select Artist \;\)  PM me anytime if you have a question or just want to chat, I am always around. Have a wonderful day \:wub\:

simsjeanieApr 12, 2010

Dear Samusa, no reason to be embarrassed - I know that's very easy done - You only have to hit the reply button down instead of up - I know that because it happened to me, too! \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 11, 2010


simsjeanieApr 11, 2010

Good afternoon dear Samusa, just dropping in to thank you for the comment you left on Test your Lot. That's a really weird thing, isn't it? I thought I would get nuts before I got the solution from Pescado. And thank you so much for the wonderful reply you left on Peachybitz1's guestbook for me ... \:D I enjoyed every single word of it and as we are a big family here at TSR you see that the notes find their right person! About that sidewalk - I don't know where right now, but I just tried to describe this to someone else the last days. Not easy in English but you got it! It's sooo funny to watch! They just begin with this now - and sometimes it works and sometimes they fall down doing it. But of course they don't care, they just try it once again. So I'm sure they will be perfect in a week. Yesterday I've made the livingroom "cat-proof" - hiding the wires so they don't get electrified and putting some glass items away, so they can't get hurt if something breaks. I just had this little break at TSR, and now I'll go and move them - I'm really thrilled what they will do when exploring the new world downstairs! Have a great day and lots of hugs from Jeanie. \:wub\:

cazaruptApr 11, 2010

Hi there, thanks for the comment on my Tropical Decor \:\) My next mesh (a rather stylish fridge) is being published tomorrow if you want to take a look on my minisite \:\)

simsjeanieApr 10, 2010

Good afternoon dear Samusa, just dropping in with some coffee and cake - still warm fresh out of the oven - to thank you for your amazing comment - it made me smile and feel happy! \:wub\: Don't ask me how I do the landscaping, I really don't know - it comes all of its own. My own tiny garden, well more a backyard, isn't tidy - it's green green green and with lots of plants that are chosen because they usually grow in parks and don't need much be cared for. Green and cozy little spots where you can sit and relax and read a book and listen to the birds and watch the sunrays fall down between the leaves of a shady tree. That's what I love in rl and that's what's always at the end of a lot of mine - if I want it or not. But I don't think that I have to tell you. I had a real close look at your Nantucket because I loved the way it looks like a real home . Clutter here and there, the remote controls on the table - that's the difference between showrooms and homes. And I love the colours you used. I give you a little example how it affects the viewer: I thought well, what a gorgeous vase with flowers there on the sidetable in the livingroom or what a beautiful candelabra and I must have this!  When I went to the sites of their creators I recognized that I already had watched their creations but at that time they didn't tell me: get me, you must have me!  The way you used them in your house told me that they were just the thing I wanted to use in my own game! Hope you understand what I want to say (sorry for my poor English). I'll leave now because I want to do some gardening as long the sun is shining and calling me to come out. Have a great day and lots of hugs for your and your fur children \:wub\: (I have three dogs and two cats and right now four kittens that are four weeks old - sooo cuuute! As that was not planned (the tomcat was castrated with six months so he must have been busy the last days before that as our cats are staying with us in the house) and will never happen again I'll enjoy every single minute of it!) Here some yum-yums for the two of yours!

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2010

\:\) glad you liked them \:\) thank you for commenting \:wub\: i think that particular frame is the only one that fits above the fireplace without cheats it's a bit annoying that they only made one variation..\;\) I've just uploaded some more with the Lips frames, but I'll probably go back to that frame and finish the series off..\:\) Hope you have a great weekend \:D

katalinaApr 9, 2010

HI and thank you for the lovely comment on my colonial ranch, glad you like it\:\)

eryt96Apr 6, 2010

I'm glad you love the cushions! I was wondering if people would either love it or hate it lol! BTW I've just noticed your lovely beach house, and it really does what it says on the tag! very nice work there. The colours and layout of the building as well as the choice and modifications of cc are exceptional. I like it very much. Well done!

fredbrennyApr 6, 2010

I flew Ansett back then. Twice... (Must have been the early nineties). From Sydney to Cairns and from Melbourne (or Sydney) to Adelaide. Those were the days!\:D

fredbrennyApr 5, 2010

Thanks so much for your comment on my Venice Arts series! Hope tou will enjoy them!

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