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sandrinha's Guestbook

hiedibear75Mar 28, 2010

I was blessed enough to not only find a fun game but an incredibly pacient teacher in Lisa. \:wub\:  I'm still learning & making textures is still kinda new ground for me but I'll keep outside walls in mind. \;\)  Well if there are still a lot of other players out there that are wanting to stick around & play TS2 thats AOK by me! \:cool\:  I hope people find something they like.......I pretty much figure that most of the time if it is something that I would like having in my game than perhaps others will feel the same way. \:\)  Speaking of bathroom wals......I've made some fully tiled versions of MAXIS 1/2 tiled walls. \:D  Have you ever noticed that when you're  wallpapering the bathrooms and/or kitchens that only some walls got both 1/2 tiled & fully tiled versions? \:confused\:  Well.....I tried looking for walls that had been made already & although I found floors to go with walls that did not originally have one to match.....I did NOT see any CC versions of MAXIS that just made the tile go all the way to the top. \;\)  So that's what I did. :P  I'll upload those as soon as I've uploaded the Easter walls I'm working on. \:\)  Thanks for the happy Easter wishes & a safe and happy Easter to you as well. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 27, 2010

Well you said in your poll that if the reason was "other" to put it in your here it goes; (my roomie has TS3 & ALL the packs for it so I have seen it 1st hand):#1 I do NOT like the way TS3 LOOKS not the Sims (they look WAY less real to me than TS2 Sims aside from the highlights in the hair) , not the sky, not the water, none of the graphics impress me.....I'll stick to the way TS2 LOOKS. #2 IF goals are what I want to try & do with Sims I'll do a challenge I've already completed ALL of TSR's & even done some of my own just for fun.....but I think it should be a choice to do with Sims. #3 The way TS2 works I can have a different Sim for just about every mood, taste, interest, or goal & often do.  That wouldn't work out as well with TS3 cuz you'd have to save each family to a different folder just to play multiple families.......screw that! :P  Oh & #4 What's up with ghosts being able to have babies?!?!? \:confused\:  Seriously what's the difference it's not like if your sims die you & their loved ones won't see them again. \:ph34r\:  OK so you don't have them going to work to my knowledge but they can still be not only controled but have babies even while a ghost. : confused:  What can I say I just LOVE my TS2 & do NOT like hardly anything TS3 . \;\)  I'll just wait around for TS 4 ! \:P LOL  I wouldn't mind the way you can make their hair have different layers & the going to the hospital bit is kinda cute, & the eye dropper tool could be handy.  So EA just needs to keep what wasn't broke to begin with about TS2, add in the few nifty things about TS3 (toss out 995%+), & add in ROUND tools for fences & walls & stairs. \:D  I'm picky what can I say? \:o  You make BEAUTIFUL clothes! \:rah\:  My game is VERY finicky about CC in general but for some reason especially anything to do with bodyshop. \:confused\:  Or else I'd be downloading your fashions in a heartbeat! \:rah\:  Well enjoy the rest of your weekend. \:D

topaz27Mar 27, 2010

Hi Sandrinha, Thanks for the poll, great question, I left a message on your blog concerning your question about liking sims 3, or not \;\) I'll be staying a sims 2 girl \:\) also I would like to thank you for all your beautiful creations for sims 2 \:wub\:  I have just saw your new sims 3 creations and I must say they are also very beautiful too, but I do hope you will still continue to create for the sims 2  as well \;\) wishing you a lovely weekend \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

irene_busyMar 25, 2010

Hi! Answering to you poll: I don't like sims 3 because it became a quest. You can't control the whole neighbourhood any more, you can have only one family and can't decide what the other characters do or their traits. Even though I sometimes used to play with only one sim and tried to have all the badges or signs (I don't remember how you tell those badges for going on a trip) when I got bored I'd swap to another family or another \:D. I played sims 3 for exactly 2 months, then I got bored. By the way you creations are wonderful, keep up the great work \:\). Happy simming \:\)

PretaleMar 25, 2010

Hi! your creations are very nice! Answering your poll, I don't like so much the sims 3 because that look blurry on my computer, haha \:D Have a nice day! :P

klbjcbMar 24, 2010

Hi Sandra, I wanted to wish you a happy Easter.  I also took the poll. I really love the Sims 2, so I just can't part with it.  Also, I don't seem to like how the sims 3 people look.  The graphics are much better.  For now, I am sticking with Sims 2.  Have a joyful day.  Kathy

GlamuritaMar 20, 2010

Thank you for the wonderful words to my creations

Birba32Mar 9, 2010

Hello dear! Thank you so much for the nice comment on my last clothing set for Sims2. Have a nice day \:\)

miraminkovaMar 7, 2010

Hi \:wub\: Yes, of course, because your creations are always amazing! Hugs, Mira \:wub\:

sims2fanbgMar 3, 2010

Thank you,Sandra! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

klbjcbFeb 14, 2010

Hi Sandra, I wanted to stop by and say Happy Valentine's Day!!  Kathy

klbjcbFeb 6, 2010

Hi Sandra, I hope you are having an awesome weekend!  \:\)  I really like your banner.  It has some very pretty clothes.  I am going to have to take a closer look.  Kathy

SimonkaFeb 6, 2010

Hey, thank you so much for your congrats. \:wub\: Simona

RotkaeppchenJan 14, 2010

Thank you for the congrats and the nice comment :] \:wub\:

klbjcbJan 6, 2010

Hi, I wanted to congratulations on being a featured screen shot. Great job!! Kathy

topaz27Jan 2, 2010

Hi Sandra, Your very welcome, your dresses look so beautiful in the game \:\) I would also like to say a big thank you for still creating for the sims 2 \:wub\: by the way your banner looks very pretty \:\) wishing you a very happy and peaceful new year, may it be a wonderful one with lots of chocolate \;\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

BBKZJan 2, 2010

Hey \:\) Thank you for commenting my creations. I'm glad you liked them. Happy simming \:\) Barb

klbjcbDec 31, 2009

Hi Sandra,  I wanted to wish you a very happy New Year filled with many blessings.  Kathy

SimsimayDec 27, 2009

*' Merry Christmas ! I wish happy and healty new year! '*  \:\)

BBKZDec 25, 2009

One of the real joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you for being a part of our lives and to wish you the very best for the New Year \:\) Barb

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