sarakir (753492)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ryan Reynolds
Published Mar 2, 2012
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About Me
Love to make celeb sims when I have free time!
Do not use any slider hacks, non default skintones and trying to make playable celebrity sims %)
My Guestbook Show All
TRUNKS24Mar 11, 2013
hi, I wonder if you would be so kind as to create a sims Harry Styles, and beautiful as similar as possible please.
daaannnxxxDec 30, 2012
Hey! I have a request: could you make a Benedict Cumberbatch sim? (BBC's Sherlock) thanks a lot xxx
Laura_Carey1970Oct 09, 2012
You are very detail oriented with how you do side by side sims. I can not get a sim of me done and it is because I am having a lot of trouble. Would you be willing to do one of me?I am not a celebrity but I am a huge sim3 fan and plus, I would just like to have a sim I can use to identify as a avatar of my own likeness. I can send you a real photo. I will send you the details privately.