In Progress
So it seems that school has finally caught up with me. I'll be super busy this week though I'm currently working on several sims at the moment. Why several? Well, i seem to have something of a "sim creating block" at the moment, rather akin to the more common "Writer's block". After finishing up on a sim, I end up feeling like something's missing. Perhaps it's what I'd like to call the sparkle in the eyes or the magnetic attraction but whatever it is, I'm not too happy with it.
Hopefully things will clear up by Friday and I'll be able to submit them then.
P.S. I'd also like to thank everyone for leaving all the kind comments and congratulations on my creations and guestbook. It means alot to me that you guys like my work. It also gives me a gauge as to how you guys like your sims. Haha.
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