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simal10's Guestbook

pretty_babyJul 25, 2008

Hmmm Its probably better to have read the books first then..would it be like reading a book from a movie after seeing the movie. Midly frustrating. I did like the style it was written though..very sassy so who knows. Blair has the best style on the show. Ive seen images in gossip mags from shooting the new season and she always looks wonderful!!!

pretty_babyJul 24, 2008

\:\) Gossip Girl is So good can you not watch the final episode...ahhh. I read the first book, but maybe might read the others if you say they are that good!!! Im in love with chuck....he is so nasty but so cute!!!

gameliaJul 24, 2008

I like your poll. All of the above, of course! My teens want them all. \:D

pretty_babyJul 23, 2008

Simal!! Thank you so much for your comment on my XOXO set. You know it reminds me of gossip girl too. I love that show so much and im so annoyed to wait a month and a half for season 2. arghh!!! LOVE all the upcoming sets.... those mix and matches are so much fun variety is the best. Keep em coming \:D your work always amazes me. Plus i love the banner and ava!!!!! \:D

IllianaJul 23, 2008

Hello Miss Simal! I saw you peeking in on my minisite, and had to stop by and thank you for taking time from your own busy schedule to vote in my poll. That was VERY sweet of you! \:wub\: You have some incredible creations here, and I can certainly see how you earned the FA title! \:rah\: I shall now do some moseying and browsing about your lovely site. Thank you again for honoring me with a visit. \:o \:D - Illiana

justtschibiJul 22, 2008

\:wub\: thankies! Yes I saw your poll and i voted too \:\) At first: thank you, thank you, thank you \:D Don't be hasty with your teens set, I'll go to holidays next week too, I'll o to the baltic sea for two weeks \:\) At first I'll make recolors of your ault meshes \;\) I don't think that the people get bored by the mix and match theme. I think it's fantastic \:wub\: As I said, finally my sims can wear different shoes with their minidresses, they can mix shirts in sporty, sexy or formal style by using different bottoms. As you see, I'm total enthusiastic about it \:\) \:wub\: yours, tschib^^

justtschibiJul 22, 2008

Hi Simal \:\) I'm currently recoloring your mix and match meshes and it is real fun to do this \:\) And I really like your upcoming set with the leggins and the briefs of course, i had the same idea to do this, but I'm not sure if i'll will do it, cause xandher did this already either^^ Oh and i've two questions \:\) Firstly: could you please, please, please make your meshes for teens too? You know I prefer to make teen clothing and i really want to work with this mix and match theme \:\) My second question is.... Is it ok to add a new mesh to the theme? In reallife I'm a shoe addict so I really need more shoes for my simmies \:\) what my sims ladies need are overknee socks with high heels and i really want to make these... Is it ok to use your mesh as a base for my new mesh? This would be so nice *tschib blinks with her eyes* \:wub\: But now i don't want to bore you with my bad english.. thanks for your attention and thank you for your inspiration, tschib

maryash2Jul 22, 2008

Oh my, simal, your sets are simply beautiful! \:wub\: There is not one set that I don't like and enjoy! I wish I was as good as you!!You are a wonderful artist, keep up the good work!! \:wub\: Mary-Kate

XandherJul 22, 2008

So glad you like my Affair hair set! Thanks so much for the comment! I continue to fawn over your mix and match set, and just finished my three iterations that i'm in the process of uploading. I can't wait for the leggings set..when I saw it I giggled, because one of my sets is leggings, and the other one is panties and stockings! \:P Perhaps I was reading your mind a little! \:cool\:

sosliliomJul 17, 2008

Dear Simal! Thank You very much for Your kind feedback!\:wub\: I'm glad that my creation made You happy.\:\) ~Lili~

NewtlcoJul 17, 2008

cok tesekkur ederim kutlaman icin \;\) Sende FA olmayi fazlasiyla hakediyosu!kendine cok iyi bak-iyi gunler ~~Newtlco \;\)

missy_sceeterJul 16, 2008

Hi, Thank you for the contgrats, \:D I appreciate it very much. \:\)

linasometimesJul 13, 2008

ohh thank you very much im really happy to hear that \:wub\: your work is really wonderful too, love your style \:D \:wub\: \:wub\: hugs/ lina \:\)

DOTJul 13, 2008

Marilyn is wonderful . . . perfect! \:wub\: Thank You!

ChibiGamerJul 11, 2008

Thank You for getting back to me on the candy set. I didn't expect you to go to all the trouble of looking at it in game, I could have done that silly! (And probably should have thought of that before bothering you) So I give you hugs! And cookies... I likes cookies, hope you do too. \:D \:wub\: Chibi

finsgirlieJul 11, 2008

aw youre welcome darlin....i just feel like creators take a lot of time working hard on their creations and deserve a heartfelt "thank you" and a nice little comment rather than some random general message. Anyways, THANK YOU for all your hard work, one of my favs! \:P \:D

Jackowackop2 Jul 11, 2008


justtschibiJul 7, 2008

hi \:\) I just stopped by to say that I'm absolutly in love with your mix and match sets. This idea is fabolous!!! I'll surely recolor your meshes and maybe I'll add on or two new too, if it's ok? I just love this idea^^ Look forward and you'll see your mix%match meshes recolored^^ have a nice day, tschib \:D

XandherJul 3, 2008

Oh, thanks so much! \:wub\: It means so much to get compliments from you! I feel the same way about your work, I'm always looking forward to your stuff! BTW; I just adore your Anchor's Away set! So cute!

pretty_babyJul 1, 2008

Hey love~~ THanks so much. i think i went a bit overboard but hey its colourful so im down with it~~~ i also saw your current project. Still everything you do amazes me!! such talent!! have a beautiful day xx

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