simgirl675 (2108922)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Minne Mouse T-shirt
Published Jul 28, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (23 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Big Bang Theory
Published Jun 21, 2010
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About Me
Hi i'm simgirl675 and I love to create many things and write stories for the sims 2
My Latest Updates Show All
What I have been working on The Big Bang TheoryWritten Apr 16, 2010
What I have been worrking on making and creating is the charaters from the The Big Bang Theory and now I have finally finished them I wiil now be now submitting them. So look out for them as I think I have done a pretty good job of them so any of you Big Bang Theory fans and simmers watch this space. ...More
Changes to my story The Perfect Life of Tina WilliamsWritten Mar 28, 2010
Due to backing up stuff from the neighbourhood I was using to make my story with now and now have had some problems and have lost all my charaters and had to start from scratch now insted of my sim Tina having twin boys she had twin girls so my stories will have to be edited. Sorry for the inconvinence :( ...More
Bad computerWritten Feb 03, 2010
Due to problems with my laptop the decision has come for me to buy a better laptop so it will be awhile before I start creating or making stories again. ...More
Terms of Use
Please do not take my works and claim as your own I don't tolerate stealing. If you would like to share my creations with others on other platforms or social networking sites please ask for my permission first and a link to my profile.
My Guestbook Show All
Golden97Feb 15, 2010
Hello Again, Simgirl. Your welcome. Yay! I cant wait, it looks like it's going to be good. I also have a story i've forgotten about a story, but i hadn't got round to submitting it i hope to publish it after my other story has ended though Keep Simming - Katie
Golden97Feb 11, 2010
Hello Simgirl Your welome, aw thats a shame! But i will wait and look out for the next chapter -Katie
inusgirlJul 16, 2009
ty going to read it shortly ^.^