simmyfan2852 (537982)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Flower and Diamond
Published Jul 30, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2380 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

295 Country Lane
Published Jan 22, 2009
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I've been playing the Sims since about the time of The Sims House Party. However, I did not really begin to create (and submit here) until about 2005 or so, and since then, I have been learning to create all types of custom content. I love creating when I have the chance, and I love being able to share what I make. In addition to creating custom content, I love building houses for my sims.
My Latest Updates Show All
First TS3 Stuff, More TS2 Stuff SoonWritten Jun 25, 2009
Hey everyone! I hope those of you that have The Sims 3 are enjoying it! Anyways, I plan on submitting my first TS3 creations soon! Both will be lots. However, I have not given up on The Sims 2. I still plan on releasing the next two TS1 for TS2 sets! And... I have a new story in the works too! It is once again another Extreme Sim Homemakeover,... ...More
TS1 for TS2- Sets 2 and 3Written May 17, 2009
Well, today I am going to annouce that the next two sets I will be submitting tonight will be the TS1 for TS2 Set 2- Unleashed Sofa and Recolors adn TS1 for TS2 Set 3- Unleashed Dining Table and Recolors. Originally, I was going to create one set with a variety of objects from the Sims 1, but due to time constraints, I am going to focus on one object at a time and make several recolors... ...More
New ProjectsWritten May 02, 2009
Hi everyone! I know it has been awhile since I have last submitted anything, however, I have begun work on a new project. I plan on finishing my last project, but I have also began a new project, which I think you will all like it! :-) I won't tell at this moment what it is, but I am working on something, and I hope to have it done soon. I will not be a very big set... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayDec 16, 2008
You did a wonderful job on all your creations Thanks alot for sharing them. Keep up the good work
DegeraJul 09, 2008
HI simmyfan I borrowed your mini palm tree for a lot that I just uploaded, should be published in a few days, called The Laurel. Thank you for making it!
SvealynJan 22, 2008
Hi! I just stumbled upon your minisite and your lovely sets and I wanted to tell your that I love your creations! Thanks a lot for sharing them!