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Addicted to old houses

I love the Sims since I met them the very first time, three sims-ages ago in the age of The Sims One.

But for me the most awesome thing is to help young Sims to get in their first home andI don't mind at all to act as their real-estate agent, eyes and ears allways wide open to catch nice opportunities.

Old houses are small, mostly without a floorplan, because they grew with their inhabitants. The grandson built a dormer in the attic, because he thought, his children shouldn't share the bedroom with him and his wife. Two generations later, Simmies thought it to be nice not to have to walk to the little cabin at the end of the garden, through dark stormy and rainy nights, and had just glued an appendix to their house where you could sit down and relax without leaving the house. And their children were exalted, when they sat down on their very first watercloset.

Some homes were cared for through the centuries, they got central heating and warmwater-pipes. Some houses were spoiled, they were robbed of their lovely wooden windows and door, because they needed more care than plastic and weren't "modern" enough. Or so their owners thought ...

And then we have those houses that stayed. Often rather lonely, because three generations ago young people wanted to move to town and the old ones were to tired to do the old beauties up. Then they died and no one wanted to move in these old houses, far away from the jobs from the world. And the houses were mourning. Don't lough! I'm not only sure - I know it: houses have a soul!

And here am I: I find them! I release them from loneliness! I drive around, get off my car and look through the trees and the shrubbery. And upto now I allways found the right people for these very special houses. My clients are often tired of modern life, high dotated doctors, lawers, politicians that know: when they continue, they won't live much longer.

I bring them to the houses let them get familiar with them ... With the car it's no great act anymore to meet friends or get to the office. But more often than you think, the new inhabitants slow down. They discover the happiness of gardening on a sunny afternoon, fishing in the moonlight and cooking their own meals instead of lunching at the Diner next to their office. And very often they discover their creative potential, too. They begin writing books or painting - and they are successful!

You tell me, I'm living in another world? Me? But no! Im living in Riverview I'm still successful in finding hidden treasures.

Few days ago I located a small former farmhouse - Rose Cottage. Have two pictures in my display window. Have a look! And contact me ... But don't hesitate to long, Penelope, my dear friend is almost determined to move in ...

simsjeanie ∙ Jan 15, 2010

"when I try to build a modern one it returns it's changed into a old looking home" - \:D That thing I know! And when I once nearly got it to have a young modern bachelor to live in, you can be sure he'll get a girlfriend and before you can say "Jack Robinson" she's decorating and changing his house into a doll house - before moving (with) him into an old shabby cottage ... \:D

francien ∙ Jan 14, 2010

Love how you tell the story..I love old houses either in real life and in my game, when I try to build a modern one it returns it's changed into a old looking home. I see many great modern houses here at TSR and I love to vieuw them I find the creators great that they can create them. It's wonderful whe can choose because everyone has his own taste.\:rah\:

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