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simsjeanie's Guestbook

camarossz28Apr 25, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:D Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my screenie \:rah\: Have a wonderful week! Belated Happy Easter \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 24, 2011

Happy Easter \:wub\:

luckyoyoApr 24, 2011

Hi Jeanie, Happy Easter to you!!\:rah\: Wishing you a wonderful day !!:wub\:Dee xx

sara_ashleyApr 24, 2011

~O~Happy Easter Jeanie~O~Sara

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

Peachybitz1Apr 23, 2011

Jeanie \:wub\: Check out my blog \:\) I have a gift for you \:\)

QubeDesignApr 21, 2011

Hi there Jeanie, thanks so much for your nice comment on my Urquhart Castle lot. I'm so glad you like the story behind it, and I hope you're having fun with it in your game.  Hoping you have a great Easter weekend.  Cheers!

Peachybitz1Apr 21, 2011

Good Afternoon Sweet Jeanie \:wub\: \:D Nearly Easter and the week is finally over (work) so it's time to relax and dream in the sunshine (if it's sunny!)(very warm here)...glad you liked my latest screenies..haven't been on any adventures lately, been trying to invent all the gadgets without setting my sims bottom on fire too much..nearly time for some more hols for her \:\) Hope your week went well and your weekend is fabulous \:wub\:

TagonnaApr 20, 2011

Dear Jeanie! Thank you for your comment on my screenshot! I m so happy that i make you feel happy\:D Last week I had a premiere. It was a puppet show for little children. I am an actress of the drama, so it was quite difficult for me. Unusual. But I really wanted to try myself in something new. I was  worried about and everything was not as desired.\:\( Everything was ok, but i was upset.  Then i saw your comment, and I felt better. Thank you one more time. And this week i ll make my work better \;\) Hugs, Tagonna! 

fabmanApr 17, 2011

Thank you so much for the comment, your very kind! I love the Teacher's Cottage and it's amazing so well done. Have a lovely day~

fredbrennyApr 17, 2011

Hi (((Jeanie))) \:wub\: Thanks my dear, for all your comments on the Medieval screens. Oh yes... I need to get to work on the sims really bad. \:\) So... Probably a very short Skype session later today for me. First there's work to be done \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 17, 2011

Good Morning Jeanie \:wub\: Rise and Shine \:D I sneaked some more screens on last night \;\) Thank you for all your lovely comments \:wub\: Well, you did suggest me making them originally \:wub\: So credit does go to you \:\) Hope you like them all \:\) ..Anyway, onto serious things - I can't order Omni Seeds!! I told you I could, I have the option, but she just won't do it \:\( Boo Hoo..another thing to add to my list of things they (EA!) haven't fixed yet! Well, back to simming, I'm in Eygpt at the moment \;\) (ooops, my sim is, I mean \:D) Hope you have a lovely day \:wub\:

spladoumApr 16, 2011

LOL ... no, they didn't dance straight through \:\) I just moved the two of them back into that house, I built it myself so I can't stand to see it empty! Rosalind summoned Karla the Simbot and Connor summoned Mjedkare the Mummy when they lived there before, so Karla and Mjedkare are just having a homecoming! \:D

spladoumApr 15, 2011

There's a new terrible shot of them dancing in the screenshots section for you to enjoy \:D

eviApr 15, 2011

Hi Jeanie!\:\) Your comments on my Easter screenshot were lovely. You see, my sims are also Greeks and for Greeks Easter is a big religious celebration so do not feel guildy that they have already decorated their yards\:\) See you around\;\)

spladoumApr 15, 2011

Jeanie! \:wub\: Thank you for your kind comments on my shirts and the screenshot! I will definitely hope to see your guys proudly displaying their love of whisky on their chests soon \;\) \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 15, 2011

Good Morning Jeanie \:wub\: \:\) \:D Sun, smiles and happiness for you this day...thank you for the lovely comments on my screenshots again \:wub\: Just going to upload another one, but it isn't a landscape. I caught it yesterday hanging around while my sim was fishing, from behind the it's a misty watery one. Have an absolutely Super day Jeanie \:wub\:

Audrey MayApr 15, 2011

Did you get a chance to try out Sims Medieval yet?

LilyOfTheValleyApr 14, 2011

Hi Jeanie\:\) Thank you so much for your very sweet comment on my square table dining set. \:wub\: I will keep reading your mind with my magic crystal ball. \:rofl\: The chocolate and coffee you left on the table were really delicious, btw. I ate them all! Opps! I forgot to leave some for my guests. \:o

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