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simsjeanie's Guestbook

AngelaApr 14, 2011

Hey there, Thank you so much for your comment \:wub\:

PralinesimsApr 14, 2011

  Thank you very much for commenting! Have a nice day and a beautiful week\:wub\: danke du liebe!!! lass dich ganz fest drücken!!!!!!  

Peachybitz1Apr 14, 2011

Good Morning Jeanie \:\) Hope the sun is shining for it is grey and looks like it might be a rainy onto the sims as soon as possible so I can bask in their sunshine \;\)  I'm glad you liked my screenshots \:wub\: \:D get homesick for virtual country's, well, I miss my sims when I'm on holiday and away, so yes you can get homesick \:\) I never get bored of running around Eygpt \:\) I know what you mean about having no responsibility \:D I usually start a game again as soon as I've moved a guy in \:D I'm still too bothered playing my single sim to care much about what someone else is doing in the house \:D The tulips were lovely \:wub\: maybe in the coming weeks I will try to find you some bluebells \:\) I will let you know \;\) Hope you have a relaxing day \:wub\:

liyah225Apr 13, 2011

Hi Jeanie!! Thank you for your comment on looking for the sun screenshot!! i smiled when i seen your comment!!

fredbrennyApr 13, 2011

Hi my dear Jeanie!!! \:wub\:  what have been doing??? Just dropping by with a GREAT cheesecake and two glasses of Mocchachino! \:\)  See you soon!!!

AyuApr 13, 2011

hey Jeanie! yes, it was 7pm! alone by herself, totally not safe!hee~~ i cant wait for Generations, so i can grounded her! yes! LOL!

flody888Apr 13, 2011

Hi again! 'Clouds and clouds of pink' --- sounds so delicate and magnificent! And probably smells just as good! \:wub\: I'm sure magnolia trees grow in B.C. and in Prince Edward Island. I remember Anne of Green Gables described some beautiful treed lanes! \:wub\: Thank you for the catnip! My little one goes crazy for that stuff! The older ones just lie in a pleasant fog! LOL

flody888Apr 13, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:wub\: Thank you for your wonderful comments!!! I've only played the ghost twice now (I'm not into that really) but it was cool to see something different! Love hearing from you! Have a lovely enchanting week! \:wub\: I have two things to share with you today: 1) Mr. Big (not your kitty! it's chocolate/candy! LOL) and 2) sushi! \;\) Hugs!!

VoodooBGApr 12, 2011

Hello, Jeanie! I wanted to thank you for the nice comments you left on my screens! Thank you so much and have a great wee;! \:D You're really talented!

martoeleApr 12, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Thanks for finding the time to read and comment on my Moon-story. I'm always pleased when you pay my sims a visit! \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 12, 2011

Morning \:\) \:wub\: And it's a bright sunny one here \:\) No rain until tomorrow \;\) but still, a day of simming is ahead of me...I should be here for a least 8 hours today so I'm going to get comfortable\:\) I think it's really interesting how everyone plays their game sims don't much like to get a job either, they'd much rather do something in their freetime to make cash like the gardening and collecting..but whereas your sims sound laid back and serene my sims are usually running around at a 100 miles an hour \:D ..lots of intense tomb raiding, being pushed to their limits \:D then I usually get bored, start the same sim in a new game and start all over again \:\) I've only ever had an extended sim family once or twice, they've never had grandchildren, only had one sim die once and I usually only play females..only create a male usually to hep with the gardening \:D so there are still lots of things to do for me in the game..I've tried most of the jobs, but not paranormal investigator, tattoo artist, firefighter, or a stylist \:\) I'm really looking forward to the new expansion, I might get a bit more interested in playing with children and teens, might be more fun \:\) Maybe today I'll slow my sims pace down a little and let them enjoy life for a bit \:\) Hope you have a lovely day and it's full of sunshine for you \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 11, 2011

Morning Jeanie \:\) Hope it is nice and sunny for you \:\) Full of the scent of blossom \:\) I've only had the Vampire one once..I steer well clear of the vampires \:\) One day I will try all that out but for now my formula is have a sim, build a nice house with a garden, run around collecting things, grow vegetables and visit tombs \:D I haven't even tried all the professions out yet..things to do for the future \;\) And I don't think I will ever get a laundry gnome as I can't stand the thought of extra work for my sim and have never bought a washer/dryer for them \:D Can you imagine them ironing? Poor Sims \:D Hope you have a great day \:\) \:wub\:

flody888Apr 11, 2011

I've never seen a magnolia tree in real life! I love them in the game! It's so wonderful that you have one! \:\) I have a lilac tree and it is the best scent in the world (to me!). \:D However, spring comes later every year and the blooms last not that long. \:\( I'll have to look up 'glory hole'. LOL What you describe sounds wonderful though! Thanks for the coffee and rolls! Here's some of my Easter candy stash for dessert! \;\) Have a lovely week as always! \:wub\:

spladoumApr 10, 2011

You see, every dark cloud has a silver lining \:D Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens to these silly people next time! \:D

RatRaceRobApr 10, 2011

Hello there, Simsjeanie!  Thank you for visiting the Miss Crumplebottom screen... and lol, of course she would look good if she finds herself one of those hats, wouldn't she? \;\) :P

flody888Apr 10, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Just saw your avatar in another guestbook and stopped to say hi! Hi! \:\) Hope all is well with you and yours - both furry and not furry! \:wub\: Have a sunny and beautiful day!

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2011

I've got about five gnomes at the moment and they just end up in the weirdest places doing the weirdest things \:D they do make me smile \:D I caught one for the first time disappearing in a yellow puff of smoke the other day.. 'A ha' I said! 'Got you!' \:D (nuts, eh?) I always wondered how they disappeared, and i would stalk them, but after all this time playing, that was the first time I've seen them actually doing it \:D(made me feel like I'd accomplished a life long ambition \:D)

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2011

Looks like it's going to be a page of me today  \:D \:D thank you for your lovely comment on 'Cloudy Day' (you seem to be commenting as I'm writing in your GB, I'll catch up in a minute \:D)

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2011

May Rain?! \:D Ha, it rains here all the time \:D Hmm, rain in the sims...that could be cool..and beans! (sounds random, I know \:D) if we had beans, we could have beanstalks, then we could have a gnome called Jack!!

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2011

\:D Good Mrning Jeanie \:D Coffee was Delish \;\) Ahhh, Sims Medieval \:\) I hope you get a crack at it soon \;\) it's quite good..but yes, it doesn't hold a candle to Sims 3 \:wub\: ..(or any Sims game) ...but it is good fun to play \:D and Summer?! Well it will be a bit of a shock if it snows now \:D but you never know what the weather will do \:D Hope you have a Great Day \:\) \:D \:wub\: (and not too busy \:\)) \:wub\:

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