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simsjeanie's Guestbook

EthelleApr 9, 2011

Thank you for your lovely comment on my screenshot! \:D

mairoulaApr 9, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:D Thanks soooooo much for your sweets comments on my screenshots \:D Have a nice day \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 8, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:\) so sorry it's taken so long to reply..I went off and bought sims medieval and played it non stop for about a week and a half and I'm bored of it already \:D Bad me \:D Back to normal sims now..much much better \:wub\: thank you for all your comments and gb entries \:\)  hope you've had a good week and I hope your weekend is FABULOUS \:wub\:  

D3VVApr 8, 2011

Hi Jeanie, thanks for taking the time to write such lovely comments and gastbook entry. I'm glad to hear you also like them ingame. I really appreciate it. \:wub\: Have a wonderfull weekend. \;\)

Audrey MayApr 8, 2011

Did your son give you your copy of The Sims Medieval back yet? \:D  Thanks for the comments on my screenshots.

spladoumApr 7, 2011

My pleasure to share! I'm just glad that people like them \:wub\:

PralinesimsApr 7, 2011

Hi du!!! danke dir so sher für den tollen Kommentar zu meinem screenshot!!! ich freue mich sehr!!\:wub\:\:wub\: ich wünsche dir noch eine traumhafte woche und einen super tollen donnerstag abend!!! lass dich ganz feste drücken!!!!!\:wub\:

francienApr 7, 2011

Dear Jeanie..thank you once again for the delicious coffee and the warm rolls with selfmaded strawberry! \:wub\: ..just yummie! I have been busy the whole day and going to make tea, if you want you are free to take \:D sitting in the garden in the morningsun is so great, I mostly sit near the house where the wind doesn't come..when it is to hot in summer I move also to my hammock wich is standing in the back of the garden surrounded by bamboo and big trees,I try to read but most of the time I fell in a light sleep with on the background the birds \:o Not to speak about eating outside, somehow it taste are so right, you can smell the earth..just like with some flowering bushes when the wind is striking you smell a sprankle of the flowers, it flow's by in your brain tickling one of the many memories, forgotten but still there. Yes becoming older gives so much freedom to yourself indeed, it's one of the positive things I like and sad about it? not at all it has so much possitivity's knowing yourself better and what you want it seems you enjoy everything much more being not anymore unsure of you are doing the right things and so on..just great! Well I have re made the terras never knew I was able to put stones in the ground \:confused\: the plants are doing well luckly,they have had great weather to settle too. I wish you a wonderful weekend! when I hear the news whe get more sunshine, so I know you are enjoying it as much as I do..will think of you sitting on your favorite place nipping your coffee! lots of love from me\:wub\:

fredbrennyApr 6, 2011

(((Jeanie))) \:wub\: your such a sweetie! Yes... having my own B&B is still a wish... designing the different rooms... hmmm.... Evan is a character who will stick around just a little longer... I have planned for him to meet someone... we will have to see. Meanwhile, Bubbles needs to take more time to observe, instead of being so busy all the time.... I think I'll have Evan tell her that. See you later dear girlfriend! \:wub\:

francienApr 6, 2011

Oh dearest Jeanie,\:wub\:  you made me blush and smile and feeling happy to know you are my friend! thank you so much for that\:wub\: and for the coffee, I drink a lot coffee lately but it's nicer to drink together instead of alone so here's one machiatto back with a slice of applepie hope you like it, self baked!..and the tin with sunshine and warmth is arrived\:\) it's such fine weather almost hot have re-arranged some stones near the house and the frogs have made many many noises while making eggs or how you call them..saw this day watersalamanders for the first time this year and big ones! a whole family..super! I know I'm not the only one with bad times, 98% of the people have to deal with issues..I'm happy I'm back to sims again even I'm a lot outside the house enjoying the garden put some new flowers and bushes for the butterfly's and bees..can't wait to sit under the gazebo with the newspaper and a cup of coffee or take breakfast in the early morning, I know it will come soon enough and I will enjoy it immense. You are so right, people need light and brightness in they're life, you can look at the smiling faces how happy they are feeling the sun..everything looks nicer, even when it rains for one day it doesn't matter knowing spring is finally here and summer is around the corner within a few months. Becoming older is great! atleast I find, you know more what you really want and what is important in your life, nothing must anything is possible if you want it, doesn't matter what others think or say about you. I really like that, I was always very shy and usure now I talk with everyone even I don't know them, unsure I'm now only about my lots \:\) I love love your Olde Farmhouse, it's just the place where I would love to live..lucky sims! All your houses are reflecting you, they are cosy and have a warm feeling when I see the pictures, isn't it nice whe both love to look at the pictures \:\) and stealing idea's ah there is always a person who has the first idea and when you like it and use it, I don't see that as stealing, it's great and a compliment! Wow I wrote a whole story here in your gb. I hope you are fine enjoying the things you love to do..many many hugs, love you too without my friends here it isn't as nice at it is right now! \:wub\:

spladoumApr 6, 2011

Thank you, Jeanie! I'm very happy that you like them \:wub\:

Yngven93Apr 5, 2011

Hi Jeanie, thanks for your funny comment \:D and have a great week \:\)^^

YrS92Apr 5, 2011

Hi there dear Jeanie \:wub\: I noticed you have started reading the Gardens, I'm very happy about it \:\) I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters as well... Have a great day, hugs, Senja

TagonnaApr 5, 2011

Dear, sweet Jeanie! I dont think that i can ever succeed in Reily s education. I do beleive that cats are the smartest beings in the world. So its quite impossible to force them to do that you want. They are clever enough to have their own opinion. Sometimes its seems that Reily understands more in this life than i. \;\) Do you know that fable? A dog thinks: the owner feeds me, walks with me, caressing, perhaps he is a god. A cat thinks: the owner feeds me, play with me, caressing, perhaps i am a god? \:D I think that explains a lot! Thank you for a wonderful coffee (i love coffee!!!!) and toilet paper (Reily loves it too, after food and cleaning in my wardrobe\:rolleyes: ).  I leave at your doorsteps some snowdrops for you and your hubby and a comfortable box for your kittens(i know that cats adore to sit in boxes\:\) )Hugs and kisses!!! And sorry for my bad, bad english... 

daniel1208Apr 3, 2011

\:\) Thank You for your lovely comment \:\)

camarossz28Apr 2, 2011

Hi \:D Thank so much again for your lovely comment on my screenie, have a good day! \:wub\:

francienApr 2, 2011

Hello sweet Jeanie, thank you again for another lovely reply on one of my houses..great you like it \:rah\: yes it's quite a long time ago before I found new inspiration to uh sometimes sucks but as always whe always come out agian. And spring is arrived wich makes everything looking nicer and softer. I hope the house is what you expected after vieuwing the pictures and hope you have fun with re decorate it..I just downloaded you olde farmhouse, felt in love after seeing the images and the layout is just fantastic even as the outside. I know it will be a pleasure to play a while with it..lucky simmies\:eek\: \:wub\:

spladoumApr 1, 2011

Poor Jared. he can't help it that he's thugg-errific \:D

LilyOfTheValleyApr 1, 2011

Hello Jeanie \:\) Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my kitchen decals. I really appreciate it. \:wub\:

spladoumMar 31, 2011

It just seemed like the natural thing to do with that muscle-bound lunkhead \:D

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