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simsjeanie's Guestbook

TagonnaMar 31, 2011

Hi, dear Jeanie! Thank you for your comment. Yes, realy Angel of Death is sceary and beautiful at the same time.\;\) Now i try The Medieval, but i miss my sims, so very soon i ll return to my hopeless struggle with stars and paparazzi.\:D  My cat Reily gives his greetings to your kittens. He took offence at me that i dont tell you about him and now every night he unwind all toilet paper. I hope it will stop now\:D  Have a nice sunny weekend!!! Hugs, Tagonna. 

spitzmagicMar 31, 2011

((((Jeanie)))) I spy somthing green here on your page....wooohooo girlfriend congrats...and thank you for your awesome comments on my paintings..I love spring/summer...wishing you a wonderful day...\:wub\:

Yngven93Mar 30, 2011

hi Jeanie. Thanks for your comment on my screenshot \:\) I didn't know that they used to carry around their spoons, fun fact^^ Hope u are having a great week \:\)

spladoumMar 30, 2011

I dunno why I didn't notice before, but since hot tubs are set up just like couches, they're perfect for makeouts!  Even moreso when you're skinnydipping! \:D \:D 

spladoumMar 30, 2011

Egypt is a VERY good spot for a vacation home--and they're on the riverside, so Rosalind can fish all day if she wants to--and she usually does! \:D

Black PearlMar 30, 2011

Hi , Jeanie! \:\) thanks for the nice comment on the screenshot ! I am very pleased ! kiss and a hug s! \:wub\:

hatshepsutMar 29, 2011

Thank you for the wonderful comment on Lynton Drive, I really appreciate it and I'm so glad you enjoy my lots \:wub\:

Laude_EvansMar 28, 2011

Hi. Thank you for your nice comment on "House Familia Fonseca". \:wub\: 

fredbrennyMar 27, 2011

(((Jeanie))) \:wub\:  Thanks girlfriend! Your comments on the story are GREAT!!! We will talk about Penelope and what she can bring to the B&B . I bet she will have enough to share!

camarossz28Mar 27, 2011

Hi Jeanie :wub Thank you so much for for your lovely comment on my screenie "Mermaid", Have a great weekend! \:wub\: \:D

buckerooMar 26, 2011

hi only one word needed for your beautiful creation\:\)

Demented DesignsMar 25, 2011

Danke Sweety! Ich verstand die Ergänzung, die Krananmerkung bildete mich Lächeln zwar, da ich die dumme Sache übersehen hatte!  :P  Ich hoffe, dass diese Übersetzung sinnvoll außerdem ist. \:confused\:   Danke für die Anmerkung UND das Übersetzen sie für mich! \:wub\:

Demented DesignsMar 24, 2011

OK I admit I needed to add some trees to cover up the hideous crane lol!  \:ph34r\:  That is what happens when I finish a lot right before bed time and am trying to hurry up and get it submitted.......I overlook things!   \:confused\:  Thank you for leaving a comment on my lot and for making me giggle this morning!  \:wub\:

camarossz28Mar 24, 2011

Hi \:D Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my My Fairy House, I really appreciate it, Im so glad you liked it \:rah\: Thank you again and have a wonderful week \:wub\: \:wub\:

caridinaMar 24, 2011

Hi Jeanie! You did the right choice that not leave somethin to eat, that have been the big problem this time. I puke a lot \:\( But mabe it have slowlry been better now this week, I think so. I feel pretty ok and I'm not sad at all. The spring is here with sun and the snow is slowley melting away. I have seen the first wild spring flowers, a small yellow I just have the swedish name for. A lot of hugs from Sonja \:wub\:

ShinoKCRMar 23, 2011

Hi! Thank you so much for your nice feedback on the Easterset 2011 \:wub\: Huggles Renate

martoeleMar 22, 2011

Beautiful banner you've got there my friend! \:\)  Thank you for the comment you wrote on part 8 of my Moon story. Yes, now and again it happens that you write a comment and it just isn't picked up.... :P  Never mind....

flody888Mar 22, 2011

No! \:eek\: LOL That would be too much! It is the same kitten from last year. I still think of him as a kitten plus he is very small. \:\)

mutskeMar 22, 2011

Hi \:wub\: thank you for your nice comment on my Thorpe Windows and doors... Have fun building!!!!

spladoumMar 22, 2011

Many good questions, Jeanie! There are still several people with roles to play in this story, so you'll have to stay tuned! \:D (I know you will, of course! :wub\:\)

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