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simsjeanie's Guestbook

martoeleMar 22, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Thank you for all the comments you wrote on parts 5, 6, 7 and 9 of my Moon story.... \:D You skipped part 8 or you forgot to comment it. If you skipped it.... read it because it's the first time Alejandro comes to Sunset Valley! Big hug and big coffee.... \:cool\:

flody888Mar 21, 2011

P.S. Thank you for the mouse! My little one loves it as it's not bigger than him! \;\)

flody888Mar 21, 2011

OMG! That is just so funny and cute to imagine - sleeping cats in a baby pram! \:wub\: Honestly, I think my cats would love that too! \;\) And for me, I love big white dogs in the Sims and in real life. \:\) There is a Great Pyrenese (spelling?) in our neighbourhood who is sooooooooooooo beautiful and gentle (and surprisingly not slobbery with saliva!). I pester his people everytime they walk by so that I can pet him. \:P Thank you for the coffee and chitchat! Have a lovely week yourself! \:wub\:

jaedubMar 21, 2011

thanks alot for your comment on "the beach comber" im so happy you like.i was looking at your houses and i absolutely love them.i adore your style!!\:wub\:

PralinesimsMar 21, 2011

  Hello\:D thanks a lot for commenting on our screenshot!! We wish you a happy monday!\:wub\: Danke dir für alles!!! ich hoffe du hast eine schöne Woche meine liebe!!! *lassdichganzdolledrücken*\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:  

KeithSGMar 21, 2011

Hi, thank you for your compliments on my creation. \:\) Hope you enjoy playing with it! And I must say your cottages are really lovely. Hope you're all well and have an enjoyable week ahead. Happy simming, cheers. \:\)  

katalinaMar 20, 2011

Hiya Jeanie!\:D How are you today, I hope great!  I wanted to thank you for the sweet comment on Nightshade my Gothic home, so glad you like it and am doing another one. After I finish that I am going to make a No CC cottage for elanorbreton "Ellie", Yes you heard right a No CC cottage, yeah right! LOLOL!  I know I can do it, just need to put my thinking cap on\:D . I Wish you a wonderful day ((HUGS)))\:wub\:

flody888Mar 19, 2011

P.S.! I just saw the Sims 3: Unleashed trailer!!! You were right about the pets! They even have horses and skunks with personality traits! LOL!

flody888Mar 19, 2011

Ooh! Thanks for letting your furry babies visit me! \:wub\: And congrats on your Composer badge!!! I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner! I think I had cats on my brain! (instead of on my left arm! \;\)) \:D The green looks so nice with your avatar! Very outdoorsy-gardener-springtime! \:\) Lots of hugs and catnip!!! \;\) \:wub\:

canuckdivaMar 19, 2011

Thank you for your comment on Elysium Cemetery! I'm very glad you like it. \:\) Enjoy!

anura32Mar 19, 2011

Thank you for the very nice comment on the screenshot Hope. I am so glad you liked it.

fredbrennyMar 19, 2011

Jeanie my dear... \:wub\:  THANKS!!! For the wonderful comment on Bubbles' story! Yes, the burberry suitcase set was the only colored item Nora wanted to get... \;\) See you soon. Enjoy the weekend!

AngelaMar 19, 2011

\:wub\:  thank you so much \:wub\: Yeah i use my ceilingtrims a lot too, somehow that recolourable edge still is not sufficient. (not to mention it does not colour well) Anyway, i hated the old ones snapping to the wall, and how it's hard to tell in catalogue which is which.. anyway and what also bugged me out of my mind was the fact that the diagonal one never fitted the wall.. so i figuered to try and un-snap it to a wall for easy placement, and have it fill the diagonal wall as well. \:D should save you place in your buycatalogue as well,. as you can remove 4 and have 1 instead \;\)

spladoumMar 19, 2011

Thank you, Jeanie! \:wub\:  The cast of Occasionally Yours is good for their collective wit, if not their common sense, so things should be very, very interesting eventually \:D

LilyOfTheValleyMar 19, 2011

Hello Jeanie \:\) Thank you very much for the congratulations and the apple pie as well \:D I really appreciate it. \:wub\:

YrS92Mar 18, 2011

Aww thank you Jeanie, Ana did great job with the banner \:\) I love the new look, it's so pretty \:wub\: Hugs, Senja

sleeplessMar 18, 2011

Hello Jeanie \:\) Bringing you a nice cup of coffee and some apple pie with vanilla sauce... Thank you very much for commenting my screenshot Oasis, I like that picture very much myself \:wub\: Have a nice weekend!

PralinesimsMar 18, 2011

Ach du liebe Güte!  Ich seh ja jetzt erst die vielen Schreibfehler\:wacko\:\:puke\: Das kommt davon ,weil meine Tastatur immer hängenbleibt\:\(    Denk dir einfach die Fehler weg \:rah\:\:wub\:   Küsschen    

PralinesimsMar 18, 2011

\:wub\: Na duuuu\:D\:wub\:\:rah\:   DANKE DIR GANZ STARK FÜR DIE GLÜCKWÜNSCHE!!!!! ES BEDEUTES UNS WIRKLICH SEHR VIEL!!!    tut mir Leid,dass ich immer so spaä erst schreibe aber ich habe leider momentag sehr viel um die Ohren\:\(   Ich danke dir für alles! ich hoffe du hast weiterhin spaß an unseren sachen! ich wünsche dir alles liebe ,ganz viel gesundheit für dich und deine lieben!!!!   vielen lieben dank für den champagner!  wenn ich einen schluck trinken würde wäre ich sofort betrunken hahah,denn ich trinke und ich rauche auch nicht lol (bin ein spießer hehe)    DRÜCK DICH GANZ DOLLE UND ICH SENDE DIR LECKERE PRALINEN! (MÜSSTEN GLEICH ANKOMMEN)\:cool\:   BIS BALD LIEBES!!!\:wub\:\:rah\:

YrS92Mar 18, 2011

Jeanie! \:wub\: That comment of yours on my medieval story is absolutely fantastic and so true \:wub\: Oh, and I'm very pleased you like my story too \:\) I hope you have a wonderful day, hugs, Senja

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