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simsjeanie's Guestbook

daphney1230Mar 12, 2011

Hello I would love for you to come read some of my stories....Please drop by and take a look....

flody888Mar 12, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:wub\: I love hearing from you! \:D I so sympathize with you about the some of the problems with the Sims 3 store! My personal pet peeves are hair and clothes that are not enabled for all outfits! And bugs like that mood fix you mentioned. Grrr! Also, I spent so much on the Sims 2 store (I can't even say it's so embarrassing! But I didn't know about third-party cc at the time!) that I just can't justify any more spending! Also, their preview pictures are awful! If they could fix the problems with content, update the items like TSR and MTS do with every patch, AND display decent pics so that the buyer knows what the item looks like - that's half the problems solved! So you're not a terrible person (and not just because you feed me yum-yums! \;\)) because I think there are definitely some problems that need fixing! However, there is still a lot of CUTE stuff at the store! The toddler mohawk is one of my faves! \:wub\: Did you see the Youtube video on MS3B? Cute new clothes, costumes, and actions for the new EP! I saw a camcorder, in-game screenshot pictures on the fridge, and MAYBE family videos to watch! I can't believe I typed so much with one hand! I'll echo spitzmagic's problem with sleeping cats. My cat sleeps on my left arm like a monchichi (do you know those monkey dolls?). He circles my arm with his two forepaws and then he snuggles up and won't let go! LOL! Have a heart-warming weekend filled with warm, sunny days! \:wub\: \:rah\:

spladoumMar 11, 2011

Well, you know me--can't tell a love story to save my life \:rolleyes: \:D  Maybe Chompy can make her see the light. \:wub\:

Elias1235Mar 11, 2011

Thank you for your comment at my pics,but this world isn't mine

flody888Mar 11, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:wub\: Come any time! \:D I'll make sure to have some polls ready for you! \;\) Right now, I just made a bunch about the Sims 3 store and some have absolutely no voters yet! \:eek\: These all started when I looked at the Daily Deal -- which is really cool because one can buy a whole set for 50% off! Wow! \:D I just made some bannock and it's fresh from the frying pan. I eat mine plain when it's fresh and hot but here's some butter and jam on the side for you! \;\) Have a wonderfully wonderful weekend! \:wub\:

spitzmagicMar 11, 2011

((((Jeanie)))) hi your screens ...I hope that we do get the chance to meet.....I am very excited...first trip across the water for's just around the corner now....have a great weekend dear.. I would type more but I have one arm disabled due to a cat laying on my mouse's a bit hard to type with one hand ROFL...\:wub\:

fredbrennyMar 10, 2011

((((JEANIE))))... thanks so much girlfriend!!! \:wub\:  I always LOVE hearing from you, and i have to say that Bubbles is a project that consumes time... it is loads of fun, but as you said... 5 different people on one lot can be very hectic! \;\) I should not worry though... each chapter should conclude 3 peoples adventure... so let's not get into details... I am sure the details of the lot itself and the screenies are enough! \:\) Working on the chapters as we speak. I should get out into the garden this weekend too. And... get things organized fo when Barb gets here. Did you know all the wine is gone from Penelopes train? \:eek\:  whatever happened there? I was going to have a winecellar full... and now it's gone.... bummer... Well.... I can try opening up an old game and see if it is still there. Maybe I ask if Pebnelope wants to stay at the B&B for a night or two... she can help Bubbles a bit... hahaha.... Love you my dear! Hugs and big KISS from Fred

missyzimMar 9, 2011

Hello! Thank you so much for your nice comments on my balustrade set. \:D I agree that it's the little things that make all the difference. Missy

KrissMar 9, 2011

Hi Jeanie and thanks for your sweet comments on the Asarina Build Set. \:wub\: I appreciate it very much. Enjoy and happy simming!

Peachybitz1Mar 8, 2011

I love love love waffles \:wub\: I usually have lots and lots of butter all dripping..drool, drool \:D Today I'm having pancakes though, as it's pancake day here..and I'm going to eat as many as i can before i am sick \:D I love pancakes more than waffles, with golden syrup, sugar and lemon boyfriend is having pie \:puke\: because he doesn't like pancakes \:eek\: so I'm going to eat my share, his share and a lot more \:D Nuff about pancakes...glad you had a great weekend \:wub\:

flody888Mar 7, 2011

Have fun!!! \:wub\: And thank you for the yummy waffles! I'm drooling! \:D Oh, and the salesperson who sold them to me told me it's wood from a honeysuckle tree(?). Anyhow, my cats love it! \:D Have a glorious and awesome time!

fredbrennyMar 7, 2011

\:wub\: \:D I found the post! Thanks!!! Yes... that is really helpfull! And about the scenes...It is going to be a new TSR feature thing.... I think you are good at that too. (see it as a movie set dressing thing) An interior shot... with TSR cc in it and make it so that people go.... yeay... I want that too!!! That is scene building. Jeanie... you are good at that too!!! \:rah\: I hope to use the new house of yours soon. I love how you detail those precious gems!  Love you lots (((friend))) Need a hot coffee... and I am sure I can get one here at your place! Have a great Tuesday!!!!

BloisMar 7, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:\)    I'm sorry I haven't answeard on a while ;o) But, Thank you so much for your lovely comments on one of my first screens. \:wub\:  I hope you will have a wonderful weeken. But you must still have a nice evening! \:\)

fredbrennyMar 6, 2011

hi dear Jeanie!!! \:wub\:  Have a GREAT SUNDAY afternoon!!!

flody888Mar 5, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:\) Thank you so much for stopping by! \:wub\: And thanks again for keeping your cat gallery up! I forgot to mention that your captions really infuse the pictures with all the fun and love that they bring to your family's life! It makes the reader fall in love with them too! \:wub\: You're so right about them being so inventive, creative, mischievous and fun! I bet you could all just have popcorn and watch them the whole night for fun! \:D I made a raisin loaf (tastes better with loads of butter and some hot tea) and here are some honeysuckle sticks for the cats! \:D Have a lovely sunny weekend and week ahead! \:wub\:

fredbrennyMar 5, 2011

Thanks Jeanie!!! \:wub\:  opened a B&B... The pilot to the story has been submitted and hopefully it won't be too long before it gets posted. I have rooms for rent, so if you have a sim you want to take a weekend break... let me know! Love ya!!! Huggggs and a BIG KISS!!!

Peachybitz1Mar 5, 2011 worked first time \:rah\:

Peachybitz1Mar 5, 2011

Hi there Jeanie \:\)  I so know what you mean about the weekends now..Gosh it's taking me absolutely ages to reply to people today \:rolleyes: so I'm going to copy this and hope I don't lose it! The Omni, no problems there at all, which I am glad about \:\) All patched up, but I did uninstall and reinstall all my games (thought it might get rid of that annoying problem with the launcher when it tells you that it isn't when it clearly is..doh! The house comments? Well, very deserved, it's gorgeous \:wub\: You obviously spent a lot of time and thought on it..beautiful \:\)  I'm glad you still like my paintings \:wub\: I'm still knocking them out \;\) I've got a bigger screen now though and the square frames seem to squash the screenshots too much, so I'm sticking to one frame at the moment, but hopefully I'll see how I can adjust them to the bigger painting frames without too much squishing \:D Thank you for all your smashing comments on my screenshots \:wub\: I try not to make them all samey, but there is only so many sun pictures you can take \:\) Your support is very much appreciated \:wub\: I hope that your day is relaxing and serene and full of sims and sunshine \:wub\: \:\) And chocolate and biscuits and sweet things \:wub\: And cakes..

PenelopeTMar 5, 2011

Good Saturday to you, Jeanie! Thanks so much for dropping by with the two cups of coffee, with lots of rain and gloomy skies here today, it will be much needed to keep me alert. \;\) You gave me such a giggle with your GB message. Sorry it didn't turn out to be your hubby caressing your cheek afterall, but the kittens need love too....and food I guess. \:P Your such a dear for not ignoring Daddy cat's request for some breakfast. \:D Well, I do wish you a lovely rest of the day and some relaxtion time as well. Chores can be such a bore and just never seem to end! \:puke\: As you can see, I too am a graduate student in procrastination....especially when it comes to chores. \:\) Take care! \:wub\: ~ Pen

RirannMar 4, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Yes, I love building, landscaping and decorating (I think It's the best part of The Sims games) and I'm still improving my skills \:\)  I really love the old, simple and so natural look of your houses! The Olde Farmhouse is amazing, so cosy and romantic! \:wub\: I would be absolutely happy to live in the house like this in real life!!! \:wub\: \:\)  Thank you so much for your work! Have a great weekend! 

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