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simsjeanie's Guestbook

fredbrennyMar 1, 2011

\:wub\:  That was too cool to see you read Swamped! I am really happy you liked it!\:wub\:  THANKS dear friend!!! About the screenies.... That's strange... I have all my screenshots still in my screenshots. 10 pages of all of them. I thank you for the hot chocolate. I will drink that and turn in with my book... one more day of work, and it will be weekend for me. It is time I visited the garden center this weekend... or maybe too soon. I am ready for SPRING!

fredbrennyMar 1, 2011

(((Jeanie)))!!! \:wub\: Thanks for stopping by to have a look at Fred & Sean's new house. Yes... they moved to Bridgeport... but, they wanted to be closer to the girls. and ... well... they still have a beautiful house in France. The Family vacation house an the river, just opposite the butterfly island. Someday, when they cleared all boxes they will go over and repaint the house. It definitely needs to be freshen up. \:\) Speaking of France. I brought you some Beatiful wine and some Farmers Paté we made in France. The bread needs to go in the oven for just a bit, so it's crispy and warm. I will soon stop by again! Meanwhile Big kiss from Fred! \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Feb 28, 2011

\:eek\: glad I didn't add any chests to my last two lots then!! Didn't know about that bug!! I haven't had a problem with ordering onmi seeds, in fact last week I ordered some and I got an outstanding one..they usually send foul or bad ones..bleh \:rolleyes: I'm playing twinbrook at the moment, building a new house and stuff, I haven't played this world before really just took some pics so I'm quite looking forward to actually playing once her house is built \;\) The apple pie was yum thank you \:wub\: \:wub\:

FlovvFeb 27, 2011

Danke schön für die nette Kommentare! \:\) Ich liebe die springene Fische, und die Gnome auch! \:\) Hab' eine tolle Woche! \:\)\:wub\:

Peachybitz1Feb 25, 2011

\:wub\: How are you doing? Nearly the weekend..YAY \:D Thank you for your lovely comments \:wub\: Bridgeport isn't my favourite either..I think Riverview is the most fun to play with \:\)

TagonnaFeb 24, 2011

Dear Jeanie! I want to say that the Twinbrook is my favorite city. Weather and nature in it so reminds me of our, Saint -Petersburg s. Fog, river, lakes, and the constant clouds... Thanks to Peter the Great! \;\) We have a very long and wet winter here. Few of the newcomers can get used to our weather, but I can not live without our damp and wind from the Finnish Gulf. Every summer my friends and I are leaving in the Karelian forests and live in complete silence far from civilization.  I think there we spend the best hours of our lives! Some places of Tweenbrook reminds me about our trips, so this road. I m realy glad you like my screenshot!!!!!!!\:wub\: Btw, i m so tired of stars and paparazzi too! It becomes unbearable. I sit and swear...

fredbrennyFeb 23, 2011

Just imagine... Barb has never been outside the US (Mexico maybe)... so... somewher  first week of May? That would be fun!

fredbrennyFeb 23, 2011

Wouldn't it be just lovely to visit you in spring time... I could with having Barb here... it's not that far.... Thanks for the LOVELY cheese cake dear!!!

fredbrennyFeb 23, 2011

(((Jeanie))) What have you been up to? Bringing you a basket of 'sneeuwklokjes' from our garden. Spring is in the air (although it snowed today... yuck) Big kiss, FRED \:wub\:

matomibotakiFeb 23, 2011

\:rah\:Hallo, tut mir Leid, das ich erst jetzt auf deinen Kommentar antworten kann! Hat es mit dem TeppichSet geklappt? Hoffe es, wenn nicht melde dich bitte oder schreib mir eine mail, dann helfe ich dir gern! Liebe Grüsse matomi\:rah\:

Fred&BarbFeb 21, 2011

(((Jeanie))) sweetie!!! \:wub\:  How ARE you??? Thanks for stopping by at the studio and read that last chapter of City Lights... (I don't know if the next series will be named City Lights, but there is definitely going to be more! Especilly on the lighter side of life! The sisters sold their properties and are moving on to a new exciting place! Love ya!!! Hugggs and kisses! \:wub\:

PralinesimsFeb 21, 2011

  Hello  \:D Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on our screenshots!!!! We re very thankful for that! \:wub\::P\:wub\: We wish you a gorgeous monday! Take care,hugsssssss\:rah\:   Danke dir vom ganzen Herzen!!! ich wünsche dir alles liebe!! bis bald schnucki!!\:rah\:  

CyclonesueFeb 21, 2011

Hello Jeanie!  You are SO right about brushes and brooms.  I have to have Stern Words with my crew (which of course makes NO difference) so my only recourse is usually move them to a room I'm NOT sweeping, and then we all get along nicely! LOL!  \:wub\: Sue

Peachybitz1Feb 20, 2011

\;\) Just thought I'd let you know..I have some paintings in pending, if they're approved they might be out Monday or Tuesday \:D Had to re-learn the technique (amazing what you forget!! \:D) Hope your day is sunny and sweet \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Feb 19, 2011

Hey there again \:D You know, I don't think CAW is all that hard really..the manuals and things do make it look kindof scary, I remember when I first looked at it i thought it looked a bit hard..but after fiddling for a bit it gets lots easier, I've made two smallish worlds recently, islands because i like to be surrounded by water, and I also wanted just to have my own sims there, like you. But I'm finding that if I play all the different lots after a while the houses disappear when you zoom out..and I can't work out why..I've read somewhere that if you change familys a lot it can happen, which is a real pooh, because you can't take pics and your world looks like it's empty \:rolleyes: I'll probably start another one soon..I uninstalled and reinstalled about three weeks ago, and started a vanilla game with only store downloads in and some patterns from tsr and then I made my new house that's out to download and I had such fun playing it I thought I'd share \:D now I've caught the building bug again \:D I might start to make some more paintings tomorrow too \;\) And I know what you mean about the paparazzi...aren't they annoying!! I had one lot where everytime my sim came out the door there would be three or four loitering outside!! Haven't they got anything better to do!! \:D I have noticed that there does seem to be ghosts roaming the streets a lot more nowadays, in Eygpt I caught a caravan of them floating up the road..don't know where they thought they were going \:D to catch the morning sunrise maybe \:D and in sunset valley all the ghosts leave the graveyard!! How can you take pics of ghosts when they all go off floating around town \:D! Weird!! Gosh, I'd better stop writing and hope that I don't lose this when I click 'write' \:D You're probably snoozing by now, I've wrote so much \:D Thank you for the chocolate \;\) Hope you have a great weekend \:wub\:

astroparagnosteFeb 19, 2011

thankyou soooooo very much for comment on my france screenshot have a very nice weekend \:o

Peachybitz1Feb 17, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:wub\: Thank you for your lovely comments \:wub\: I am thinking about making some more screenshot paintings sometime, but I've been a bit engrossed in making worlds recently, then I HAD to play for a couple of months and now I'm building lots \:D \:wub\:

PralinesimsFeb 16, 2011

Na du\:D hoffe dir gehts gut!! sorry,dass ich erst jetzt zurückschreibe aber ich hatte irgendwie noch keine gelegenheit zu schreiben ich war immer nur kurz online um irgendwas reinzustellen\:D ich hoffe dein spiel geht wieder,wäre ja echt schade wenn nicht...\:\( ich musste vorgestern auch alles neu installieren,auf einmal gibg nix mehr,der launcher wollte nicht startern,aber das kenne ich ja schon von früher hehe\:D wie auch immer ich hoffe bei dir ist alles in ordnung\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\: momentan haben wir besuch aus der schweiz ich kann leider nicht so lange am oc bleiben,aber ich wünsche dir noch einen tolln mittwoch abend und auch schonmal ein super tolles wochenende!!! bleib gesund und munter !! bis bald liebes!! *lassdichdrücken* kussiiiiii\:rah\:\:wub\:

TagonnaFeb 16, 2011

Hi, dear Jeanie! Thank you for your lovely comment! To be honest i also dont like Bridgeport\:o ... But beauty can be found everywhere. Need only look up. \:\) Give my greetings to your sweet kittens! Hugs, Tagonna.

spitzmagicFeb 16, 2011

((((Jeanie)))) thanks girlfriend for yoiur awesome comment...I have only seen that twice in game when they come back from a dig our the past or the future wearing time period clothing. It's really neat. But my Amazon Woman has that nice little bone weapon on her leg, It would surely hurt any Vamp that get close to her....LOL \:wub\:Have a great day (((Jeanie))) \:wub\:

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