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simsjeanie's Guestbook

NinjyAug 6, 2011

heyy, danke nochmal (wie immer) für deine lieben kommentare ♥ ich hab bis gestern nacht um halb 5 an dieser kleinen wohnung  gesessen^^ ich liebe diese fenster und dachte mit den regalen davor wird das schon, ich bin begeistert von der kombi.. und ja klar du kannst mir die idee klauen, dazu sind meine shots ja da ;D das bad und die kleiderkammer sind noch nicht fertig, ausserdem hab ich den dachboden auf son hässliches haus gebaut.. nun muss ich mal sehen was ich mache \;\) wünsch dir noch nen schönen tag, ninjy ♥

fabrizioammolloAug 6, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Thank you so much for the icetea, it's very hot and sultry here tonight. I came back from holiday bringing some chocolate for you, milk or dark one is up to you. Keep up taking lovely screenshots, hugs, F.

NinjyAug 4, 2011

hey jeanie, thx again for you comments, yeah i just love these windows \;\) glad i chanded them again^^ wish you a great day, ninjy

NinjyAug 3, 2011

thank you so much for your sweet comments \:o it always makes me happy when poeple like my screens... good to hear that you had a good morning \:\)... i gonna play now again, have to finish the bedroom and so on \;\) so.. soon new beautiful screens \:D wish you a wonderfull day, and again thank you very much for the nice comments!!!!!   ninjy  

fredbrennyJul 18, 2011

(((Jeanie))) ;wub:  Thanks for all the great comments on my screenshots! \:D  And... thanks for the Latte! I sure needed that on this wet and dark Monday morning

murfeelJul 16, 2011

LOL to your comments on my screenies! \:D Thank you! \:wub\:

spitzmagicJul 13, 2011

(((Jeanie))) Hi dear friend. You have a little something from Texas coming your way in about week or so. I mailed it today. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Alxandra78Jul 12, 2011

Hi Jeanie \:\) I dont know if you have found my matching shutters for the Rise High the Window add-on, or if you even want to use shutter with those windows, but in any case, I have updated them to revision 2, from 1 recolourable channel to 2 recolourable channels. Just wanted to let you know if you hadn't noticed. Have a great day \:D

Peachybitz1Jul 12, 2011

Hey Jean Jeanie \:\) Glad the wedding was great \:\)Haven't been around for a Generations when it came out and it's almost totally ruined my game! What a load of pants! Hope yours is ok \:\) And I hope you're having a fab week \:wub\:  

fredbrennyJul 11, 2011

Jeanie... how are you???? Your computer still works ??? \:\)  Have to make arrangements for August 25th! \:\) I hope to talk to you in Skype

buckerooJul 3, 2011

hi thankyou for looking for my creation its nearly finished its a recreation of a doll house i had as a child will contact you when its finished. i would really value your opinion have a great day and as always happy simming\:\)

fabrizioammolloJul 2, 2011

Dear Jeanie! Thanks for the cooling breath of fresh air, it was much appreciated \:\)! Have a fantastic week-end my Friend! F.

spladoumJul 1, 2011

It's always a lovely day if we just take time to recognize it! Beauty everywhere \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

skyblue7377Jun 30, 2011

Thank you for the birdhouse info! It looks so good in my house! You rock and your bookmarked! ~Dawn

PralinesimsJun 30, 2011

du bist einfach nur toll!!danke dir wieder sehr sehr herzlich für den tollen Gästebuch Eintrag!!\:wub\: Ich hoffe du hast einen wundervollen tag!! hier ist es ein bisschen kalt geworden\:D hoffe du hast es bei dir bisschen besser\:D bis dann honey!!\:wub\: dickes Küsschen!

fredbrennyJun 30, 2011

Oh... And I forgot... \:o... THANKS for tking the time to read the story and giving me such great feedback! It was fate that killed Gisele, not the fireplace... If it hadn't been the fireplace, it would have been something else... Grim is to blame... he wanted to take those women all along... \:\)

fredbrennyJun 30, 2011

(((Jeanie))) ;wub:  Tell Jo and Penelope that Fred is thrilled to get their help! The Abnerfield Tomb is huge and GREAT to play. Have you seen the movie on youtube? I bet Jo and Penelope will like it and it will help them understand WHY they have to go and help Fred! LOL \:D \:D Talk to you soon my dear!

spladoumJun 30, 2011

Drat!  Back to the drawing board, then ... :P

capshunicaJun 30, 2011

Hey, thank you for your interesting comments on my screenshots. \:rah\: Have a nice day! \:\)

fabrizioammolloJun 30, 2011

Dear Jeanie! You are always so kind! Thank you very much for your message, and for the tea you brought me. I absolutely love tea! I'm not really surprised that The House on the Hill has been a tough task for your PC. All that decoration work, all the cc make it truly special! Unfortunately I'm far from the sea, actually I'm literally in the middle of the Po Valley, and here as well is hot, humid and sultry. Tonight is a bit less hot because at dinner time it was raining, but I'm sure that the refreshment will be short \:\(! Take care! F.

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