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simsjeanie's Guestbook

buckerooJun 30, 2011

hi thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to my thanks your creativity and help have been wonderful thankyou again. you have also inspired me to upload one of my own little creations HAPPY SIMMING \:o

PralinesimsJun 29, 2011

Naaaa du!! Ich kann dich komplett verstehen,hier ist es auch zum brüllen heiß gewesen,gestern jedenfalls\:D auf einer seite finde ich es toll aber auf der anderen weniger,es macht einen wie du schon gesagt hast ziemlich schlapp:Pdu musst dich bei mir nicht für die comments bedanken!Ich mache das sehr gerne! nur habe ich nicht so viel Zeit immer zu kommentieren,leider...\:\( Ich hoffe du hast ein paar schöne und erholsame tage!!! 1000000000 Umarmungen♥♥♥♥

flody888Jun 29, 2011

I love that cat-loggia-idea! \:wub\: I totally thought there were too many dogs and cats in our neighbourhood too! And what do you think that squirrel was pipping at that day but at ANOTHER CAT who was creeping closer to the tree! LOL Now we've seen TWO squirrels everyday since! \:wub\: Thank you for the hot chocolate too! \:wub\:

skyblue7377Jun 28, 2011

Thank you for the birdhouse info! I cant wait to place my own. I know just where to put it! You have a wonderful weekend =) ~Dawn

Alxandra78Jun 28, 2011

Hi Jeanie! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such nice comments on all my Rise High the Windows \:wub\: I am so glad a great builder like you finds them useful. \:D The irony is I had never used that window before, or payed much attention to it, as it didnt have anything to match, until I saw the request and started making the windows :P

D3VVJun 28, 2011

Hey Jeanie. You always make my day when I read a comment of yours.  So thank you very  much for the comment you left on my buildset! \:wub\: Wish you a wonderful week and you'll have fun building a porch. \:D

spitzmagicJun 28, 2011

(((Jeanie))) thanks so much for checking out my screen. I wish my bathroom looked like that. Matter of fact I wish things were as easy to get as they are for the Sims..  LOL wishing you a fantastic week \:wub\:

LadyEmperorSimsJun 28, 2011

Thank you for your kind comments on my blue living room screencap!  You are very kind.

flody888Jun 27, 2011

P.S. I had to stop short because a squirrel was pipping so loud! All of my cats saw it and just LOVE it! Still, I think it's better for the squirrel if it's a 'love from a distance'! LOL Here's hoping a squirrel visits you and your family!!! What a nice visitor for our furry babies!

flody888Jun 27, 2011

LOL@ cc overload in houses! \:D I love doing that too once in a blue moon. It's not practical for playing but it looks soooooooo NICE with lots of cc. \:D The lot looks amazing - very well-loved and tended. \:wub\: You planned it very well! Whenever I start building with one room in mind, I always wish I could shift it over because I didn't plan it well. Thanks for the links too!

RirannJun 27, 2011

Hello Jeanie! Thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment on my screenshot! \:wub\: That one is my favourite too and I'm so glad that you like it! 

fredbrennyJun 27, 2011

Love you dearly Jeanie...\:wub\:  Thanks.. for everything... speak to you soon !

francienJun 26, 2011

So great to read your gb entry!! Congratulations with the marriage of your daughter, that is awesome news and I believe you straight away when you said you have had a wonderful time!\:rah\:Isn't it great to be on your own for a while and have a vacationfeeling! yesss I know what you mean everyone must have the change to do so now and than\;\)I found your redcurrant cake and must admit it was a delicious suprise and tasted very well, even better now I know they grow in your own backyard, that is amazing! I can't give you anything back from my garden since I don't have any fruit anymore only a old mispeltree but I went to the local bakery and bought some local cookies for you, called kruidplaatjes (dutch) translate in english herbpictures haha. Next time you have to come in so whe can sit in the garden near the pond while I serve you a nice cappucino\:wub\:I'm happy you like the old watermill and have some simmies who take care for's a stunning lot even the house is not big but maybe they can afford to build a part to it when needed. I know it's in good hands\:D Great to see you are back!! lots of love and big hugs\:wub\:

DH4SJun 26, 2011

Thank you so much for your comment on my screenshot ! i'm glad you like it \:D ! \:wub\:

blondechaosJun 26, 2011

Hey hey \:D Thank you for the screenshot comment \:wub\: Have a lovely week \:D

flody888Jun 26, 2011

Hi Jeanie!!! \:wub\: Wonderful to hear from you and thanks for the cake! Mmm-mmm!!! \:D Have fun with Generations and downloading! I was away for a bit too and I can't believe how much has been released in the Sims 3 community! Oooh and aaah! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: I just realized I'll never have kitty grand-babies. \:\( But we have a half dozen of adopted kitty cousins! LOL So glad to know you're back! \:wub\:

ValukaJun 25, 2011

Thank you very much for commenting! Have a nice weekend!!! \:wub\: May be a week and it will be available on my blog. \:\)

fredbrennyJun 23, 2011

Oh how incredibly sad this is... \:\( You should take your computer back to the people who : "upgraded and restored"  it for a lot of money and tell them they obviously did something wrong! Sue them! Meanwhile... I surfed the web looking for that stupid bad pool.... Did you try using a registry cleaner? Seriously... Jeanie, dear...  Tell them to fix it! I wish I could help. \:wub\: Kisses for you and a big (((((HUG)))) \:wub\:  Hope you are back and about again soon!!!

francienJun 15, 2011

Hi Jeanie..hope you are fine..thought I drop by with some latte machiatto with some chocolate cookies but you are not at home.\:\( Next time I come back visiting you. Take care \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Jun 11, 2011

So glad that everything is well with you and Sammy \:wub\: \:wub\:

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