Thoughts on story and photo trolling.
Thoughts that have circulating in my pea brain for a bit:
I think we can all agree that the ratings trolling is a bit obnoxious. You post a screenshot that you just love from your game. You post a story that you worked hard on and it has significance to you. Things go on swimmingly, you're getting good feedback ... and whammo! Three hours later your rating has plummeted from the high 4s to the low 3s. Or, if you're especially unlucky, the high 2s. In every case when this has happened to me, it only takes me a few seconds to look around at the surrounding postings to realize that everyone took a hit along with me; a troll is on the site, and most likely it's not personal. Still stings, though. People have stopped contributing to the site over it.
Why do people do this? Dunno for sure, but I've heard a few reasons over the years.
- The troller is bored and just feels like being spiteful. (I had an ex who was a member of a few ratings site for this specific reason; he went after highly-ranked photos specifically to downgrade them.)
- The troller is trying to "average" the ratings. (Usually this seems to happen in reverse; people upgrade because they feel sorry to see such a low rating. Every now and then someone admits that they don't like seeing someone with such high ratings and they need to knock it down a little.)
- The troller is not actually trolling; they are used to a system where "1" is high and "5" is low, so they think they're doing it correctly. (I remember when this happened to an FA who was renowned for her excellent work. We all felt bad for her, but at the same time it was funny in a "shake-your-head" way.)
The problem was resolved as far as submissions go by removing the star rating, and that may be a viable solution for screenshots and stories as well. Personally, though, I'd rather keep the rating systems on stories, flaws and all. It may be because I've been writing for the vast majority of my life and I'm used to feedback that isn't always kind or even constructive. It may be because I'm not on Facebook and am not in the habit of just "liking" random stuff. The saying "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" might be suitable for photographs, but it doesn't work for a writer. If a writer doesn't receive constructive criticism on their work, they'll still be writing in the same manner at 40 that they did when they were 18. Trust me, that's not a pretty sight.
Despite its potential and history of abuse, I find that the ratings are usually a good indicator that I will enjoy reading the story. I've also noticed that stories unfairly knocked down by trolling usually float up again because the readership knows a good one when they see it, spitefulness be damned. This is not a universal truth, of course, but I've found it to be so in most cases.
But naturally I want to know what you think. :)