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spladoum's Guestbook

RatRaceRobAug 14, 2011

Well, as you know, Jono's wanted to be a teacher since he was an early teen... and the computer security job at PIPS is a parttime/temporary gig... and the persuit of high-paying (legal) employment doesn't seem to be high on the Simanski To Do List... that's not going to be a problem, is it, Miss Glover? \:confused\: \;\)

RatRaceRobAug 13, 2011

"It's not the smell , it's the no fun ... I mean, people voted for this crap over a basketball hoop didn't they?  How is that not messed up I ask you?" --Jesse Simanski Can't Stand Laundry  ((Gwen could easily cure this sulk by making an interesting game of it... the studio looks forward to her use of imagination in the Get-Jesse-To-Do-The-Laundry-Without-Whining arena... you'll get back to us on that soon, won't you, Gwen?)) \;\) \:ph34r\:  

Milii454Aug 12, 2011

Thanks for your comment on "Eyes Open - Part 7" Spladoum! I think with Sonny it's more that Claire's had more of a chance to brain wash him that "mummy's always right", but yes, I'd say that he's going to be pretty selfish. Have a great day \:D

simsjeanieAug 12, 2011

Dear April, I once saw her in concert here - must have been around 84/85 - and she was stunning ! Standing there on the stage, a huge orchestra behind her - she a tiny person, not moving, "just" singing... right now, so many years later, I get goose bumps when I remember that... \:wub\:

NinjyAug 12, 2011

Yes i Know its sad.  But Today i watched my favourit movie "the road" again and I just wanted to have kinda that atmosphere. And it's a challenge for me, normally I create bright, colorfully stuff but I wanted to try sth. new..  Ninjy

fabrizioammolloAug 11, 2011

Hi April! You are welcome and I agree they are surely spectacular! Happy Simming! F.

weirdlingAug 10, 2011

Thank you for your comment on my screenshot.\:\) Have a beautiful day!

martoeleAug 10, 2011

I just don't like the stuff he prepared!  

martoeleAug 10, 2011

What have I done to Jared?

CleotopiaAug 10, 2011

Haha yes \:D Once the paparazzi got the toddler's picture in the magazine, she'll be followed the rest of her life!

HellsaintAug 10, 2011

"You are right! Have you seen my eye?" \:eek\: Sounds like a horror plot in the making \:P ...

HellsaintAug 9, 2011

hahaha!!! You are right, there will be questions that he cannot answer, he'll probably give superficial answers \;\) Finally the bad guy is out! Sorry for keeping you waiting \:D I think he is tied in with the Fates rather strongly, which is very interesting. Love mashing myths together \:wub\: And yep, he's the one mischievous dude, probably too bored in Heaven lol. Thanks for the reading, April \:D Take care \;\) 

fabrizioammolloAug 8, 2011

\:D\:D\:D I can almost hear the gnawing sound... Waiting to read how things will develop! Have a great week, F.

PralinesimsAug 8, 2011

  Thank you so much for commenting on our latest screenshot\:D we´re happy you like it\;\)! We wish you a happy day\:wub\:  

Milii454Aug 8, 2011

Stiles actually has a remotely decent relationship with Sonny within my game, probably because they have compatible traits unlike Laura and Stiles! But Stiles is actually the focus of the next chapter, it’s all written up and waiting to be submitted. As I’ve said before you always seem to predict what I’m going to write next! \:D

martoeleAug 8, 2011

Hi (((April))). Thank you so much for your comment on my last chapter and thank you for the 5 stars and the spiritual ones as well. \:\)  Have you seen how people in their comments react on Connor and Rosalind? \:D

ohgodcaitlynAug 8, 2011

It's always so nice to see someone as talented and TSR famous like you commenting on my stories, thanks so much! And yes Belle is in a bit if pickle.. lets hope everything turns out alright! \:D

HellsaintAug 7, 2011

Woohoo! Thank you THANK YOU!!! \:D \:wub\: 

HellsaintAug 7, 2011

Many thanks for reading the recent chapter, April! \:D Yeah, these deities think really highly of themselves, now let's see what trouble bites them back this time \;\) And as for Adam, well, his part is coming up soon, cause i'm still busy trying to introduce the characters \:P Lucky for Adam, he has Tom, unlucky for Tom, he has Adam to deal with \:D As you said previously, Adam is a natural magnet for trouble \;\) Working out the plot for chapter 3 and hope to have it done by monday! Glad to hear from you and have a great weekend \:\)

BloisAug 6, 2011

yess it is, I'm finally 17.. \:wub\:\:wub\: thank you so much!!! \:wub\:

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